interviewed Scott Sorry from Sorry And The Sinatras
by e-mail and asked him about how the band got
together, what we can expect from their UK tour
which starts this week and much more.
and thank you for taking time out to do this interview
understand you
have been together as a band since 2007, can you
tell us how you came together as a band and came
up with the name Sorry And The Sinatras?
Well, we're all good friends to start with.
We all had this idea for the kind of band we'd
want to be in and decided to start it together.
Just made sense.
The Name came from my favorite line in the
book "Mystic River" by Dennis Lehane.
He called his character's crew a gang of "Sad
eyed Sinatras". It fit us perfectly. I
wanted to call the band "The Sad Eyed Sinatras"
but some how it became "Sorry and the Sinatras".
I don't really remember how or why (it was a
drunken decision made with our old guitar player
Danny) but it stayed.
announced in May 2008 that you were signed to
Undergroove records, how did the record deal come
about and how have the guys on Undergroove been
treating you so far?
Honestly, I just got a call out of the blue
from a friend of mine who said that Undergroove
was interested in signing us. It couldn't have
come at a better time. We were tired of doing
make shift recordings in our rehearsal spot
and wanted to make an actual record. Undegroove
basically came in and offered to pay for us
to do exactly that. I love doing shit DIY but
it's worked out great. We'd still be selling
off gear and anything else we had to fund a
proper recording if it wasn't for them.
believe you spent
three weeks in September 2008 recording your debut
album ‘Highball Roller’ in Barnsley,
England, how did the recording process go?
MESSY to say the least. We recorded it in
in Barnsley with Jason Sanderson. Jason is talented
as all hell and the actual recording was seamless,
but outside of the studio things got a little
dark. Like..The FIRST fucking night, and I mean
straight off the plane, Lenny and Roger basically
found them selves in a Scareface style hostage
scenario. I can't really go into detail about
it, but you get the picture. We had no money
but didn't sober up once. Funny how that works...?
debut album ‘Highball Roller’ is finally
released on Monday the 11th May, what can people
expect from the album once it is released?
The fucking album of the year I tell ya! WOO
Roller’ features 12 punk infused rock and
roll tracks, what themes and stories due you cover
on the album?
We basically just wrote about our lives. Everything
and anything we needed to vent went down on
paper. No metaphors or pretentious gibberish,
just wrote what we felt.
you had to choose a favourite track from ‘Highball
Roller’ what would it be and why?
I think my favorite song off the record is
"So Far From Home". It's just one
of those songs that say everything I needed
to at the time.
Roller’ is getting heavily praised at the
moment and its still days from being released,
how does it make you feel when you read and hear
positive things about it?
I'm not gonna lie, it feels fucking great.
We put allot into this and it's kind of like
"good job boys".
first live shows in the UK were in Birmingham
and London during the middle of August 2008, what
was the turn out like and how did it feel to be
playing your first shows in the UK?
The turn out was great! I mean they weren't
sold out or anything but it was cool to see
people actually turned out. The only things
we'd released we're crappy home recordings on
our fucking myspace. I wasn't expecting anybody
to come out honestly. It was really cool to
see there was at least some sort of interest.
It was great being our first shows across the
pond but I play in England more than I play
at home anyway. It was almost like a homecoming.
full length UK tour in support of your debut album
‘Highball Roller’ starts on Thursday,
what can we expect from your live show during
this tour?
Oh god..I have no idea! The thing with us
is things never go as planed or run smoothly.
I'm interested in seeing how this whole thing
pans out myself!
you looking forward to playing certain towns/cities
more than others?
Well, I'm really looking forward to London
but not cause of the show. Some of my best friends
live in London and I only get to see them when
I'm there. It's ALWAYS a blast, ALWAYS messy,
and I ALWAYS come to the next day on Rich from
The Loaylties floor feeling like death. Never
fucking fails. Besides that, I'm just looking
forward to hitting the road.
Eureka Machines are supporting you on the whole
tour, I also believe that they supported you the
last time you played in the UK, are they good
friends of yours and what are they like as an
I've been friends with Chris for a few years
now. Talented motherfucker. We should honestly
be opening for them. They're too fucking good.
we expect Sorry And The Sinatras to be playing
any festivals across the UK this summer?
Not sure yet... I hope so!
have all been in other bands such as The Wildhearts,
Trashlight Vision etc but how does being in Sorry
And The Sinatras compare to being in these other
It's more like a band of brothers. There's
a certain tightness we have. Not that The Wildhearts
are much different, I love all those guys as
well, but we started THIS band together. I can't
really explain it honestly. It's really cool
being in this band.
next for Sorry And The Sinatras after your UK
tour finishes on the 23rd May?
We're trying to just get right back out on
the road. The record is coming out in a lot
of different countries so there's lots of ground
to cover. I'm already working on ideas for another
record as well.
band ends up getting presents from their fans,
have you had any weird and wacky presents given
to you yet?
Not that I can think of. I've been given dolls
of myself that somebody made for me, but that's
final random question that we ask every band,
if you had a choice out of being a Zebra or a
Giraffe which one would you be and why?
Definitely a Giraffe. You never see lions
eating giraffes, but I have seen them fuck up
a few zebras.
for your time, is there a message you want to
leave for your fans reading this?
My hangover is making it impossible to think
of something clever to say....HA!
Interview by Trigger