did an inteview with Chole and Jon from Pure Reason
Revolution and chatted about their current album,
how they pick set lists and much more.
guys introduce your selves to anyone that might
not know who you are?
(Jon) I’m not very good
at these ones
(Chloe) Hi I’m Chloe from
Pure Reason Revolution and we are a band that
play fantastic music (laughter)
guys where have you been since the last album
what have you been up to?
(Jon) em let me think when did
the album actual come out? Was it 2 years ago?
(Chloe) three I think?
(Jon) well we kind of got shuffled
down Sony and when that finally went tits up.
We landed a new deal with a label insideout, who
Sony had licensed the first record out to for
Europe, and so we switched record deals and that
process took a bit of time
(Chloe) and now we have readjusted
to the new label and have planned what we are
going to do, we have been recording and that took
a long time mostly
(Jon) I supposed we have been
touring but we have not done much in the UK, we
have done a good few tours in mainland Europe
over the past 3 years,
Chloe) so I supposed UK side
we have looked a bit dormant, but we haven’t
it’s been really hectic
said you recorded a new album, what was that like?
Since I have heard a bit of it and it seem like
you have more electronic sound to it, even though
the first record has always had elements of electronic
to it.
(Jon) Chloe and I have been DJing
allot of the past 3 years, and I don’t know
we have big record collections to take influence
from, lots of different types of music, but we
definitely wanted to push it more electronic,
big influence from bands like Depeche Mode, 80s
era Fleetwood Mac, allot of the newer stuff coming
out of Paris. The harmonies of Pure Reason Revolution
are ever present but we always said from the beginning
that anything goes really, if we want to use any
kind of instrumentation, song length, basically
use anything for instrumental textures, there
are no boundaries or rules. It’s how we
create music.
mention a few influences there, care to elaborate
on anymore?
(ELO) huge fans, digitalism are
really cool, Sebastian tellia, simian mobiles
disco, joakim,
re-released your first record, what was the premise
behind that, was it a marketing thing?
It came out in UK on Sony, then it came out in
Europe on insideout, that was the European version
you listen to your record you can see the song
writing isn’t standard, how do you guys
go about to create music like that?
(Jon) I have an old Dictaphone
that I record ideas on, something like a verse
or a chorus, I’m basically always churning
out those ideas, then that might be a rough idea
like piano or guitar and then basically I go back
through those tapes and then finish songs. So
ill go find that verse, chorus idea I had then
I take it on the computer and make a rough session.
Then play with some synthesisers, program in some
drums or live drums or whatever. So its always
a piece by piece recording progress, its never
all four of us in a room playing, it just a couple
of us working on something, so its all done in
stages and layers I suppose.
you have been on a tour, how has that been so
(Chloe) Tiring, it nice to get
out there been so long in then making. It’s
good to get some direct reaction from people and
find out how the new stuff is going down. We have
been surprised by the turn outs,
(Jon) it’s been really
(Chloe) we didn’t have
high expectations, but we sold out a quite a few
venues on the tour and it’s great
(Jon) we have been away for so
long people are like what the hell are they doing
what are the fans like? The ones you didn’t
think you had.
(Jon) we always get a mix bag
in the crowd, 18 year olds to 40 year olds,
(Chloe) even plus 40 we get the
old prog heads, they are really dedicated fans
and then we get really young kids, its sweet.
It’s a good cross section
eventual things occur on this tour?
(Chloe) God we always have several
disasters when we go away, but thus far….
(Jon) well the projectors not
working, but its not very exciting not crazy tour
(Chloe) we have so much equipment
that something inevitable always goes wrong, we
are hanging on by a thread
(Jon) we saw John legends crew
taking his stiff next door, and we were like we
need that so much.
(Chloe) they have 3 tours buses
(Jon) Just turning up to a gig
and not doing anything and just performing would
be amazing. But we have so much stuff then we
have to take it up the horrible stairs, do the
sound check then remove all the stuff from the
stage, its like missions.We do have a small crew
we have a tech and are tour manager. But it’s
not enough
(Chloe) we want another 2 bus
(Jon) I just want to do nothing,
we have really rambled about this (laughter)
can a set list can we expect tonight?
(Jon) We do quite a big set off
the old and the new stuff. It’s been quite
a challenge with the new stuff because it is more
electronic so we are doing some of those electronic
things on guitars and stuff like that.
(Chloe) we always give it our
all live, you know its always a energetic show,
that probably why we are so knackered, we cover
allot as band members to re produce what’s
on the record, everyone has to be doing everything
all the time. We do give allot live.
a big set list then?
(Jon) hour and a half with a
50/50 ratio old to new
I usually ask a band if I gave you an acoustic
guitar what pop song would you cover, now for
you guys since you’re a bit different, what
song would you pure reason revolutionise?
(Jon) I don’t know if I
can say, since the idea might go out there, we
definitely do something Fleetwood Mac, but watch
this space for a Fleetwood Mac thing, we cant
tell you the track since you might nick are idea,
then you might pure reason revolutionise it (laughter)
any support acts tonight?
(Jon) No support acts tonight,
(Chloe) Expect for London its
domino vaie, the essential thing for us with support
acts is that he band finish quickly since we have
so much stuff, since we have to bring on and change
over its so hectic that it has to be quick.
a singer songwriter?
(Jon) yeah that’s
band that you have supported that it’s been
an honour to play with?
(Jon) We supported porcupine
tree, and that always a pleasure.
(Chloe) and they are an amazing
musicians, so we can learn allot. Steve Willson
is a good friend of ours.
(Jon) I always have a tech off,
like a little tech talk, like how he is getting
on with logic and if he has bought any new exciting
new recording things bit geeky.
are the plans after the tour?
(Jon) more recording, bunch of
festival over summer, more promotion for this
record, it also being released in Japan. So a
Japanese tour at some point
one random question if you had to choose animal
out of a zebra and a giraffe to be, what would
it be?
(Chloe) I would blatantly be
a zebra, since there semi cool and well designed
(Jon) very fashionable, I think
I would like to be a giraffe since it’s
massive, I would love to have that vantage point
you very much for doing this interview guys and
is there anything you would like to say to the
people reading this?
(Jon) standard buy the record
(Chloe) we don’t come with
the massive epic mission statement.
Interview By Ashik