caught up with Attack Attack back stage at Birmingham
Academy for a long chat about their debut album,
their current support slot on the Funeral For
A Friend tour and much more.
for taking time out to do this interview
No Problem
all played in various different bands around the
South Wales music scene but how did you all get
together to form Attack Attack?
Well when I left Dopamine, the band that I was
in we asked Ryan the guitarist for Attack! Attack!
to join. Me and Ryan then started to write some
songs together which we didn’t consider
to be for Dopamine, we were just generally writing
some songs together, the two songs we come up
with sounded pretty good, so we contact Will the
bass player through a friend of ours cause we
knew he was a pretty good bass player from the
band that he was in before and he was pretty keen
to have a jam. The drummer Mike was Ryan’s
cousin, so Ryan was like I know a drummer who
is pretty cool, so Mike came along and we had
a couple of jams together and we clicked straight
away, and that’s pretty much how we came
did you come up with the band name?
Very good question, and one that I should of thought
of a good answer for.
(Laughter all around)
Basically another band from south Wales were starting
a band at the same time and were like we are starting
a band and are thinking of calling it this that
and other and Attack! Attack! was one of their
idea names and as soon as I heard that I was like
that is a really good name and I hope they don’t
use it. So a couple of weeks later I was like
have you chose the band name now boys, they were
like yeah we have we have gone for "so and
so", it’s like your not using Attack!
Attack! then, and as soon as they said no we took
the name. As soon as we heard them say the name
we thought that it was a really catchy name.
lot of extremely
talented bands have been coming out of Wales recently,
is there some kind of secret band making machine
down there we don’t know about?
Basically in school you are told not to learn
English or Maths and you are told to write good
songs, I think basically that you have a band
like Lostprophets who were the first band that
I looked up to, they were friends of ours anyway
but it was good to see your friends getting bigger
and bigger and it brings on a lot of motivation
and makes you push yourself as hard as you can
to make it yourself and I think that’s kind
of what’s happening in South Wales. Lostprophets
did it, Stereophonics did it and two of the guys
from the band Mike and Ryan are really into the
Stereophonics and they are from the same town
that they are from. Then you have bands like Funeral
For A Freind, Kids In Glass Houses, The Blackout
and with every extra band that comes out of Wales
you have to up your game, so everyone ends up
competing, there is no way you can be an average
band from Wales and get recognised as there are
so many good bands coming out of Wales at the
moment, so I guess that’s what happens,
bands have to raise their game to get better in
order to get recognised.
have been classed as band of the week on various
different publications, with some even stating
that you may become their band of the year! How
does it make you feel when people say such positive
things about your band?
Very happy to be honest, obviously kids and people
read these things and it does influence peoples
decisions, obviously not everyone’s going
to be inspired but some people will be, if just
one person reads our review and thinks I will
check them out and see what the fuss is about,
and if they end up liking us then it’s a
good thing for us. It’s all about getting
our name out there and anything positive that’s
said about our band is only going to help us,
so we are more than happy when something like
that happens.
When we read the Punktastic one we were on tour
with The Blackout and it became the joke of the
tour, Ryan would be like do you know how many
stars we got on Punktastic, 5 out of 5, and Sean
would be like I can’t talk to you any more
you are too good for us.
self-titled debut album is due for release on
the 3rd November, what can people expect from
For me it’s just a short and sweet album
to the point of no messing around on it, the songs
are structured in a way that they are over in
3 minutes, we tried to trim the fat down with
it, and working with Stuart kind of did that as
he was kind of into his own things and was like
there should be no fat on the song it should be
straight up pop rock. In our opinion our songs
are catchy and easy for people to sing along to
which is the main thing.
chose Stuart Richardson to produce your album
what was it like working with such a good friend?
I was a bit apprehensive to start with from the
point of view like you said he was a friend and
would he be able to say what he feels and I shouldn’t
of doubted him as its Stuart and he always says
what he feels. We got to LA, we did a week of
pre-production when you just go through all your
songs and decide which songs are the best and
which ones are going to make the album and make
improvements to the songs and straight away he
was like I’m not messing around what’s
this bit here it’s rubbish it’s got
to go, we were like really? That’s the best
bit from the song, but at the end of the day you
have to go with his opinions as we respect him
as a musician and knowing he’s a friend
and a musician. Looking back on it we were working
flat out days, I’m not complaining about
it as we enjoyed every minute of it, but we were
in the studio from 10 in the morning till 2 in
the morning and we were only there for 17 days
recording so we had to make sure that everything
got done. Looking back on it, it could have been
hell but it didn’t seem to be long days
it seemed to be that everyone was hanging out
and at the end we had an album even know it just
felt that we was having a laugh for 17 days. We
hope that we can get to work with him again as
we had such a good time with him this time around
and he said to us that he did as well.
your favourite track from the album and why?
I think maybe the bands favourite song is 'Say
It To Me', which for different reasons, live the
introduction has a really thumping drum beat which
we get the crowd chanting hey to, so the song
really gets you going live. It was the song first
song we wrote together as a band and instead of
someone coming up to you with a song and idea,
it just happened and we were happy with the result
of it and its one of our favourite songs because
the breakdown in the middle is more technical
than what we do somewhere else on the album, the
drum beat goes off into a off beat and there are
some tricky guitar bits and being a rubbish guitarist
I struggle with it obviously, its a challenging
song to play and its my favourite.
have been on tour with Funeral For A Friend, Cancer
Bats, and In Case Of Fire for nearly two weeks
now, how have the shows been going down and what’s
it been like touring with such a strong line up
of bands?
Not wanting to sound to cliché, but it’s
been amazing, we knew Funeral For A Friend anyway,
well I did personally a couple of guys didn’t
know them to well but
we knew they were good guys we have met them before
and we all get on anyway, then we met the In Case
Of Fire guys and the Cancer Bats guys and straight
away it was like we had been friends for years.
Don’t want to sound too cliché but
it really was like that. There was no period when
you had to watch what you say and try figure out
what you can get away with, it was banter from
the start and all the guys on the tour got on
like a house on fire. They have been really busy
shows as well which is good for us as we have
been meeting new fans and getting our music out
to more people, so no complaints really, it’s
been really good so far and fingers crossed it
will stay like that.
would you describe your live show to someone that
has never seen you play before?
We try to give as much energy as we can, listening
to the album the production is a bit more rougher
than most things these days but during live shows
we try to make it sound even more rougher and
give it as much energy and passion that we can
and our one goal is to get a crowd interacting
with us even though the majority of people watching
us on these tours have never even heard of us
before, so our main aim is to get a crowd interacting
and jumping around with us, chanting along, clapping
along and even singing along with us. So basically
the main things we go for at our shows are crowd
interaction so the fans feel like they have been
part of our show, which is something you sometimes
don’t always get from a band who have been
low down on the bill. We like to make an impact
on people and get them interacting from the very
start so they build up to the headliners.
have toured with many big name bands such as the
Lostprophets, Aiden, You Me At Six, Funeral For
A Friend and many more, but which band has been
the most fun to tour with and why?
That’s a tough tough question, I don’t
want to sound like I am opting out of answering
it but they have all been awesome, like people
said we toured with Aiden but we did just one
show with them, we did 3 shows with Lostprophets
so we don’t really consider them as tours
anyway. The You Me At Six tour was probably our
first proper tour and I don’t know if you
are familiar with those guys but that was a brilliant
tour because they are so enthusiastic about being
in a band themselves and it kind of rubs off on
everyone else. Tonight Is Goodbye were on that
tour as well and we have played shows with them
before so it was like touring with a bunch of
your best mates again. Everyday was just fun as
everyone was just having a good time, it wasn’t
quite like being in a band it was like hanging
out with your best mates, then you go on stage,
once you have done that you come off again and
hang with your best mates again. This tour and
that tour are probably on par.
played Reading and Leeds festivals this year,
which show was the most enjoyable and how did
you go down with the huge festival crowd?
Both shows were amazing and really packed for
us which we wasn’t expecting at all as we
have never done a festival before and never released
any music to anyone before, we was a bit sceptical
about how many was going to be attending for us.
I would say Reading wins it just because it was
the first one that we played, I’m sure if
Leeds was the first one then that would of been
the best. Both were brilliant shows with packed
crowds and people really getting into it. We had
mosh pits. Reading was definitely the best one
as we have never experienced festivals before
as a band and that really gave us a little edge
over Leeds, but Leeds was awesome as well.
you manage to check out any of the bands at the
Yeah I saw Rage Against The Machine which is something
that I wanted to do since I was a kid and I thought
I would never get to see them because they split
up but that was awesome, watched The Blackout
at Reading they had Storm Troopers on stage so
that was crazy seeing your mates on stage with
Storm Troopers. I saw Kids In Glass Houses, I
mainly saw bands that we have played with in the
past because they are good friends and it’s
good to see your friends doing well and singing
along with their songs. I know Mike our drummer
is such a music geek there were so many bands
that he went too and watched, me and Ryan was
doing all the press so there was a lot of times
where we couldn’t go and see bands but Mike
was just gone, Alkaline Trio, Thrice, you name
it Mike was there he saw everyone. We didn’t
see Mike all weekend.
are heading out for your own headline tour towards
the end of November right through into December,
are you looking forward to playing to smaller
crowds and to your own hardcore fans?
Yes, nervous a little bit to be honest with you
because it’s our first headline tour and
are people going to turn up for starters and then
it’s like playing a longer set as on this
tour we are doing 5 songs which is really short
and on other tours we are only doing 7 and we
are going to need to play 11 or 12 songs on this
headline tour so that’s going to be a bit
different again. So as much as we are excited
we are also a little bit nervous, but it’s
been going well on this tour and I think we have
been making quite a few fans on this tour and
people listen to the music and it’s quite
positive reactions so we are hoping that it translates
to ticket sales for our tour and people will come
out. What we want is people to come along to our
shows and sing along with us. That’s exactly
what we want.
show on your headline tour has a different set
of support bands is this to help give the local
bands a bit of extra exposure?
Yeah it was kind of like more a management decision
than ours to be honest with you, we were still
busy thinking about headlining and they were like
do you want to take a band out on tour with you
or do you want to have locals every night, so
we choose to have locals every night because it’s
cool to give people the chance to play with a
touring band and also we get to hear and play
with a load of bands that we might not of ever
heard of and you might see a band that you really
like and want to take out on tour with you in
the future, so we are really looking forward to
bands end up getting presents from fans, have
you had any weird presents presented to you yet?
We had some chocolate brownies the other night
that was nice, but the best one was unbelievable
to be honest, we were up in Newcastle and we had
a message on myspace a few days earlier asking
what’s your favourite sweets and what’s
your favourite chocolate so we all had to put
our favourites down, mines Cadburys snowflake
but they don’t make them anymore, do you
remember those snowflakes?
sure do
and Mike was like double decker, so we turned
up at this venue in Newcastle and these two girls
came up to us and was like we have got presents
for you, they gave me this bar of chocolate and
it was like 15 inches long and 5 inches thick
weighed about 6 or 7 kilograms and they had made
a snowflake out of chocolate, it was perfect,
it tasted amazing, should never of ate it though,
I’m still eating it now actually. We had
that back in August so I had this massive snowflake
and they made Mike a double decker and it was
massive, Ryans favourite thing was chocolate raisins,
I don’t know how they did it but it was
one big chocolate raisin and when you knocked
it open it had millions of little chocolate raisins
in side it, it was amazing.
want to know their
Yeah it was unbelievable, we couldn’t thank
them enough for that it was awesome, we challenge
them to it even better next time so next time
we see them in Newcastle we can’t wait.
do you do in between shows on long tours to keep
you busy?
What days off?
really on days off and before and after shows
We get a day off after every fourth show on this
tour so we do three shows on then one off so basically
if we are near enough to go home then we will,
basically a three hour drive is near enough for
us maybe a four hour drive, but it’s good
to go home and have your own bed for a night and
catch up with stuff and see your own family. This
tour is quite long it is like a four week tour
so it’s good to make the most of getting
a day off. Going home catching up on some sleep,
seeing friends and family before we get back on
the road again. In between tours we concentrate
on trying to build up the profile of the band,
keep on top of myspace as we get a lot of messages
through on myspace and write songs and stuff like
that, it is like a full time job for us now so
whenever we got some time off we don’t see
it as holiday time we use the time to link it
back to the band.
must see a lot of interesting sights being on
tour for so long and being in many different towns
and cities, what’s the best and worst things
you have come across so far?
We played the Reaper Barn festival recently; don’t
know if you have heard of it?
No we haven’t, what is it?
It’s basically Europe’s biggest ever
red light district, it’s just weird to walk
down streets and just see women in windows, it’s
like the weirdest thing I have ever seen and they
are basically selling themselves for sex, didn’t
partake obviously, I don’t know if I categorize
that as the best or worst thing but it’s
definitely the weirdest thing, so that kind of
freaks you out a bit seeing that, but it’s
better in a way that it’s controlled and
it’s not prostitutes on the streets, it’s
mainly a culture shock as you don’t get
that over here. That’s one of the weirdest
things I have seen I don’t know what the
best thing is, you got me on the spot I am going
to have to prepare better next time.
will say the chocolate is the best thing then
Yeah actually the chocolate was probably the best
are pretty much busy right until the end of the
year, do you have anything planned for 2009 or
are you going to take it as it comes?
Generally we are writing a bunch more songs even
though the album will of only been out for a few
months by then, but we are not going to wait around
and rest on it, we are going to take January to
write songs and demo some songs because people
in the industry need to hear some new songs for
whatever reason. I think from February to May
is going to be gigging just UK and Europe, so
hopefully we will get another big tour and then
it will be the summer and hopefully we will be
able to do some festivals, we obviously did Reading
and Leeds this year which was awesome but we hope
to do some more next year.
have signed to Rock Ridge music in America, does
that mean you will be embarking on an American
tour in the near future?
I think so yeah, I think they are waiting for
the right time to come up, they just don’t
want to plough as a lot of money is us going over
there to play to not many people so they are waiting
for the right tour to come along so it will be
beneficial for them to invest that money in us.
It’s definitely on the cards but the plan
is to wait for the right time so we don’t
know when we are going to do that.
merchandise designs are pretty good looking who
came up with the designs?
A friend of ours Matthewprice.co.uk, he does all
our designs actually, he did the album artwork
and for the album we did limited edition t-shirts
for every song we did 50 t-shirts for each song
which we only sold online and they flew out which
was cool, so the people were as geeky as we are.
He designed all those shirts as well, he’s
kind of quirky and the kids are loving them, the
people that come to our shows are really digging
it. So yeah Matthewprice.co.uk is the boy to see.
one final random question that we ask every band;
if you had a choice, what animal would you be
out of a Zebra and Giraffe?
Out of a Zebra and Giraffe? Do zebras eat meat?
I need more information?
don’t think
so, I know they get eaten a lot
I will be a Giraffe I think, you can see a lot
of the world with that neck, I don’t fancy
being a zebra because of the band Zebrahead, like
where did that name come from did they chop zebras
heads off a lot? I don’t want to be a zebra
and then get decapitated. I will go with Giraffe
for your time, is there a message you would like
to give to your fans reading this?
Just thanks for your support, if you haven’t
heard us before then check us out at
and if you have heard us before and are reading
this then thanks very much for checking us out.
Interview By Trigger and Charlotte