James met up with Kevin Baldes before Lit’s
awesome show in Birmingham last month, here’s
what he had to say.
has heard of Lit as you've had 5 hit albums, many
top charting singles and have toured everywhere
over your long history, but what can you tell
us about the band that people might not already
Kevin – Wow, I don’t know. We all
grew up together and we’re a tight nit
family, our tour manager Tony I met in 84 and
he introduced me to AJ and Jeromy and because
of our love of heavy metal we started the band,
so if you’re a friend of ours you’ll
always be a friend of ours. I mean I don’t
know if people knew that, but I mean we’ve
been together a long time and we’re all
close. Allen our old drummer, passed away and
we could have held auditions to replace him
but our friend Nathan Walker, who knew Allen
and used to play golf with him, when he got
sick he came up and said if there’s anything
I can do for the band let me know, not necessarily
play but just help out, but as Allen got sicker
he played more and after Allen passed we asked
Nate to be part of the band full time. So that’s
how that happened.
released your last album The View from the Bottom,
back in 2012 making this the first album you’d
released in 8 years, how was it making the album
after so long and how has it gone down with fans
and the press?
Kevin – Dude its gone down great, the
fans love it, and a cool eye-opener doing this
run, right now we’re focusing on A Place
In The Sun, but after that we play some old
and new stuff and the fans are singing along
to the new album and it’s great. I mean
if you’re a Lit fan, hopefully you’ll
like everything we put out, as we stay within
certain guidelines of what Lit is, so it’s
great that people still love it and request
songs from the album that we might not have
even thought about playing, I mean tonight were
playing a song for the first time called The
Wall, oof The View From The Bottom we play You
Tonight, The Broken and Miss You Gone, there
the staples so it’s awesome that the other
songs are getting more attention as it means
we don’t have to play the same songs every
night. Plus with technology, people record the
shows and put them on YouTube so it’s
good to give people some variety at home too.
You asked about View From The Bottom, sorry,
yeah it felt great to get in the studio and
record some new music as we had many setbacks
over the year, and I’m excited to write
something new and get something else out sooner
rather than later.
is the 15th anniversary of A Place in the Sun,
is it fun playing all these songs again? And do
you see it as a tribute to Allen who sadly passed
away 5 years ago?
Kevin – Yeah absolutely, we had a dream
when we were kids of touring the world and playing
in front of people, and that album got us out
doing it, and now where celebrating it and he
was a big part of that, so almost every night
we say something in honour of him and in the
middle of Miserable I go over to Nate and we
do a little something to remember him. But yeah,
typically we’d play 4 songs of A Place
In The Sun, the singles, occasionally we’d
play Down, but we’ve never done this before,
and another thing My Own Worst Enemy is normally
a song we’d play last but on this tour
we’ve been playing it second, and it’s
awesome to play some of our biggest songs early
in the set and people stay for another hour
of our songs. That’s a testimony to the
band as we try and put on a show that’s
fun that everyone will enjoy, as we’re
rock fans and we go to shows and no what we
like so we hope we give the fans what we enjoy
so they can enjoy it too. I mean I’m a
photographer, and I like to shoot shows amongst
other stuff, I mean today I was shooting around
Birmingham, I arrived at the venue and met a
fan called Simon who was here by himself and
asked me for a photo, so I asked if he had a
car and if he could drive me around Birmingham
to shoot some photos, so we drove around and
then brought him in for soundcheck and to meet
the other guys, so I mean that’s how we
are, we can’t meet everyone, as that’d
be impossible, but we try to be nice to the
ones we do meet and show them that we’re
real people with passions too, mine happens
to be photography.
only found out
today that you shoot shows too
Kevin – Yeah I shoot Zebrahead allot
I love
Kevin – Well we may be coming back here
and doing a co-headline tour with those guys
soon, as we’re really close as we’ve
robbed some off their contacts for this tour
like there sound guy and merch printers, so
yeah we’ve been talking and both thought
it’d be really cool to do a tour together
over hear so hopefully that’ll happen.
done loads of gigs over the years, playing the
world over from the U.S. to China and you’re
currently on a headline tour playing the entirety
of A Place In the Sun, with all these gigs have
you grown used to being on the road or do you
still find it hard?
Kevin – Well I have a wife and son so
that makes it hard, but other than that no,
I mean with our riggers and team it makes it
easy for me as I just do sound check, press
and the show. We started in China on this thing,
we’re literally going around the globe
and not allot of people get to say that. Its
fifteen years later and we still get to do it,
that’s mind blowing. To answer a question
you didn’t even ask my favourite shows
are in England for sure, its fucking great here
man, they go off not just for the singles and
obvious songs but for everything else which
makes us feel great!
are towards the end of your huge tour which covered,
China Europe and the UK, what have been your highlights
so far?
Kevin – The highlight for sure, as last
year we did the KOKO show which is great and
we love England, but this time we got to go
to Ireland and Scotland for the first time,
I mean we did Ireland last night, and so we
are a bit worse for were now, but it was awesome
there was something in the air for both Ireland
and Scotland which made them special!
made some amazing video’s throughout your
career, from the Massive Miserable, to the Hollywood
Over My Head to the stylish My Own Worst Enemy,
which is your favourite?
Kevin – The favourite real video for me
is My Own Worst Enemy, as we filmed it on my
birthday, but I also love the Pamela Anderson
video. But some of my favourite videos to watch
are made by our friend Shaun Card, he does our
live videos. It’s the best as it shows
us having fun and the crowd enjoying it. I mean
I’d love to make another proper video,
and we might do it for the next album, but they
used to be expensive to make, like proper expensive,
you know how much our Lipstick and Bruises video
was? $475,000 that’s stupid, that’s
RCA money man, you know the Mulletron, which
was my idea which they went for, but now everyone
shouts at me and says that was your fault.
it hard adding picking the extra songs to play
after A Place In the Sun for your setlist? Seeing
as you have another 4 albums and tonnes of b-sides
to choose from?
Kevin – No it wasn’t hard, you play
enough shows and you know what people are gravitating
towards, but we’re on a run of 7 back
to back shows and I can turn up and play hung
over but out singer man it takes a toll on you,
he drinks with us pound for pound but we’ve
got to cut back I mean I wish we could play
for 2 hours, we do an hour and a half but I’d
love to do more, but you’ve got to cut
back a bit. I mean you’ve got to leave
them wanting more.
come to the UK quite allot over the years, so
you know it pretty well. I have a list of a few
things that I'd like you to tell me, what your
favourites are from the UK;
– Fish and chips I guess, but In
Germany I love Sausage and Sour croute and all
that, I mean my father’s German and from
Stuttgart so I gravitate towards the German deal.
Oh whilst where on about it, I love English architecture,
I mean all the history and old buildings that
we don’t really have in the states, I mean
something like GBGB’s which they tore down,
instead of leaving it as listed building which
– Well I had red ale and Guinness
last night, I love the fact you have different
beers in different areas, but I’m happy
with any beer in my hand on a sunny day.
– I would have to say Iron Maiden,
dude what if I said ACDC (laughs), people would
be like he don’t know shit, but no I know
Ozzy’s from here and Judas Priest are from
around this area. It’s weird the English
Heavy Metal scene has almost brought Lit together,
as when your younger you go oh there’re
from over there or you don’t give a shit,
but when you’re older your like ah shit
England put out allot of good music. I mean in
Ireland they have U2 who I’m a huge fan
off, and Thin Lizzy. I was discussing the other
day who has put out the most bands, US or UK and
its strange to think how many each have but the
UK definitely cornered the market in Rock and
we had allot back then, but it’s a bit less
now, but we still have some good ones that are
popular like Bring Me the Horizon
Kevin – They’re from here, shit
I didn’t even know, dude call me old,
I still just listen to allot of stuff I grew
up on and I feel every week they’re a
new band and there’s only so much time
in the day, I don’t know how you keep
– We did Reading fifteen years ago
but it seems to have changed quite a bit, but
everything changes, but we played Download last
year and where lucky enough to land on Iron Maiden
and Queens Of The Stoneage day, so I’d say
would you say is the best band you’ve seen
over here on your travels?
Kevin – Iron Maiden, as we played Download
last year, and went out on our own after the
show as I just wanted to be a fan, so I ran
into this girl that I’d talked to earlier
in the day and she asked where I was going,
so I said I was going to watch Maiden, so she
said come along with me and my friends, a group
of guys and girls and I was arm in arm with
a bunch of dudes I didn’t know but it
was cool, singing along to all their songs.
played Download Festival last year which along
with your special Koko gig marked your return
to the UK, and now you've almost done your Headline
tour, have you got any plans to return for more
gigs and festivals soon? And where do you hope
to see Lit in a year’s time?
Kevin – Hopefully have a new album or
being in the process of a new album to release
over hear. I’d like to say that we’ve
been back to the UK a few more times between
and possibly with Zebrahead and maybe a few
festivals, as those are fun and you get to see
other bands and have a dressing room with beer.
last question that we ask every band, if you could
be an animal out of a zebra and a giraffe which
would you be and why?
Kevin – I guess I’d be a Zebra,
so I could be like Zebrahead I guess, I don’t
know, giraffes look a bit dorky at least as
a Zebra I’d look like a little pony with
stripes. You know what you should ask, flight
or invisibility, as a super power. What would
you have?
pick flight, so I could go to new places easier
and go to places people haven’t been to.
Kevin – Yeah imagine the great photos
I could take, I’d pick flight too, as
I’d be too much of a creep with invisibility.
for your time; do you have a message for your
fans reading this?
Kevin – Thanks for being patient and for
giving us a second chance and coming to the
shows, it means allot to us. We’ve got
allot of heart and we’re like a family,
so if you come and see us then you’re
part of the family too.
Interview by James Daly