James caught up with Jordan Eckes and Mike Ferri
from we Are The In Crowd to talk about their latest
album 'Weird Kids', being back in the UK and much
are set to release your second studio album ‘Weird
Kids’ in a couple of weeks, how did you
find writing and recording for the album compared
to your debut and what was it like working with
John Feldmann?
Jordan Dude It was a lot better, I thought.
Mike: We knew what we were doing this time
and where we wanted to go; John brought a new
perspective on how our band works, and saw everyone’s
strong parts, and isolated them and made them
better. Whereas before we sit in a room and
argue with each other over stupid shit.
Jordan: It’s true
Mike: Yeah because we only work on one thing
at a time, but with this it was like a workshop
where everyone was doing their own things and
doing an incredible job at them. I think we
made way better songs this way.
Jordan: It was one of the most incredible experiences,
he’s rather eccentric.
Mike: Yeah he’s out of his mind but I
love him though, he’s like a crazy uncle.
you think you’d go back and work on future
things with him then?
Mike: I would love to go back and work with
him, and the rest of the band would love to
go back and do some more with him, at least
one more time. I mean you have to try new things,
I know some bands like Yellowcard have worked
with the same guy for all the albums, and it
works so well so why should they change it,
but who knows, I know there’s definitely
some unfinished business with John, there’s
more to be done.
themes and stories do you cover within the tracks
of ‘Weird Kids’?
Jordan: This album has allot of themes, as
far as Windows In Heaven is about Tay’s
dad dying, I mean I recently read an article
in AP, about how John took her out on a coffee
Mike: How did you not know this happened?
Jordan: I knew it happened, ‘laughs’
but it was good reading it from a different
Mike: Its heavy, we tackled allot more specific
things this time. I mean there’s nothing
wrong with just writing a broad song in general,
when you want to appeal to a wider audience
as we all deal with the same type of things
in life, love, loss, friendship and food ‘laughs’.
We all like and deal with that stuff, so you
can write simple songs like Both Sides Of The
Story, which is a rather generalised song, its
more about the feeling that anything specific
so you can take what you want. Then we have
songs like Windows In Heaven, which is really
personal, and Tay new we wanted to have a song
like that but it needed to be the right time
and the right song and we never tried to force
it. We know some bands might cash in on a tragic
song, but this felt like the right time as John
had lost his father recently too, and they talked
about it and it came together very naturally.
The albums not a concept album, but it was about
giving the fans and us an identity, the four
of us were disorganized we didn’t know
what we were and the fans didn’t know
what they were but we knew we liked each other,
so it’s about expanding it now, the whole
weird kids thing isn’t a gimmick it’s
just how we feel as so many trends have happened
since we’ve been a band, there’s
been times we thought we were behind the curb.
Yeah, we’re fucking lame, I mean come
on, people wearing neon t-shirt and we can’t
keep up with this, and we’re not cool,
so we stopped trying to impress and encouraged
our fans to be the same. I mean we don’t
want to be that guy that goes “be yourself”
but dare to be fucking lame!
would you say your favourite songs from ‘Weird
Kids’ are and why?
Jordan: Manners is one of my favourite songs,
when I heard the music I thought it was cool
but when I heard the vocal arrangement back
and forth in the chorus, I remember being like
holy shit this is so good. I went home and sent
it off to someone on our label without anyone
Mike: He went rogue.
Jordan: I’d just finished tuning it and
was like you have to hear this, John helped
so much on that one, and I was so stoked for
people to hear it. It’s hard to pick a
favourite but I love that song.
Mike: On past records, especially on Best Intentions,
I could have told you the best 3 songs on the
record now debate.
Jordan: And what 3 songs shouldn’t have
been on it at all.
Mike: Yeah, if it was up to me I would have
cut that record in half and made it an E.P.
But this one is hard, not to be redundant, but
even if I had to be cut throat and pick 7 songs,
I’d find it hard. But Manners is my favourite,
Come Back Home is awesome and the single and
Best Thing, which is the last song we wrote.
Jordan: It’s been getting a cool reaction
at these shows, I mean it’s the first
time we’ve played new music in 3 months,
well no technically it’s the first time
in 3 years. So yeah, checking the reaction from
the crowd has been crazy. It’s so much
fun to put out new material and see it happening,
as you never know how people will take it, as
the first time we put out best thing it was
awesome to see the crowd’s reaction and
how much the kids care.
Mike: We had no idea, I mean we could have
gone out and played that song the first time,
after our 2 months of being at home for Christmas
and people could have hated it, I mean we know
what people say online but that’s so broad,
I mean that person could be from Japan and were
not playing there for this exact moment and
time it’s about this room and how they
react and its awesome to see it go down so well.
are currently back in the UK on your headline
tour, how does it feel to be back in the UK?
Mike: It’s been going good yeah,
Jordan: It feels better than tours we’ve
played in the past, the way we’ve interacted
with the kids, the vibes on stage and playing
new songs and it just feels better.
Mike: We’re doing things the way we want
to do them now, in the way we feel our fans
want us to do them and not how we were told
to them. One of the biggest differences I see,
is going out and signing things and taking photos
after a show, I mean you’d be surprised
to see how much energy, emotional and physical,
it takes to do that. I mean you get less sleep,
you get cold you get sick
Jordan: It sucks so bad
Mike: It affects so much, and you want to do
what you can for kids and its different when
it’s warmer, but we haven’t been
doing it this tour and we normally do it because
we don’t want to let kids down. We love
meeting the kids and doing the meet and greats,
and our fans say our meet and greats are some
of the best ones out there. But this kind of
thing leads to shows being better as no-ones
burnt out no-ones sick it’s just better,
that’s the mentality we have towards everything.
Jordan: I mean that’s how it was when
I was a kid, with bands like Starting Line,
they wouldn’t even let me bring in a sound
recorder to record them, as there was no shit
like that. I mean I didn’t know what Kenny
was doing after he left the stage, I didn’t
go and try and bang on the side of the van,
I mean there’s a level of crossing the
line. I mean if we come out and people are there
we’re not going to ignore them or anything.
Mike: Yeah, I mean there used to be this thing,
were the entire crowd would stay after the show,
and it would be like our 3rd meet and greet
of the day after doing like in store signings
and shit, and I’d go the extra mile but
it snow balls and wrecks moral.
Jordan: Especially when kids are sick, that’s
the big thing for me. You get these kids who
are so sick who are out there coughing then
they cough on me and I get sick and I’ve
got to perform a show tomorrow. But I mean when
its warmer its fine, it just needs to be warmer
over hear. ‘Laughs’. We’ve
had huge conversations about this and how it
was in the past.
Mike: Yeah I mean it certainly wasn’t
any less, as were hear and playing music because
we saw shows with those bands that we loved,
and I literally never met anyone.
Jordan: I think I had one photo from one guy
Mike: I went to shows literally every week,
almost 2 shows a week. I remember 2 times I
met people, before we starting playing shows
with these bands, one was a dude from a band
called Ozma and he was a total fucking dick,
he was at the bar and I was like he man I’m
so excited for your show, and I asked for a
picture and was like are you going to play ups
and downs, and he was like we don’t play
that song anymore, and I was like cool and kinda
walked off.
Jordan: But you remember this experience because
it wasn’t the 5000th dude that you’ve
met from a band.
Mike: I still listen to the band
Jordan: That’s the thing, it’s
sad because we grew up during that era, without
the craziness of cell phones.
Mike: Yeah where dinosaurs. I mean I do my
part, when a kid asks for a photo though, I’m
like I’m not gonna do a silly face or
a monkey face. You should be coming to shows
because you like the culture of the band and
wanting to get to know us not bragging to your
friends that you met us. We’re not that
cool. I mean it’s nothing to brag about,
I’d rather hear about you’re day
rather than you making me make a monkey face,
I mean jeez.
Jordan: We could talk about this for a while
Mike: Yeah where just rambling now, ‘laughs’
schedule for the next couple of months looks pretty
busy with tours across mainland Europe and America,
are you looking forward to certain shows the most
or just excited to be back on the road touring?
Mike: Any city that we can get a reaction,
there’s allot of US places like that,
we’re excited to get back over here again,
I’m sure we’ll be back like 3 fucking
times before the end of the year, we normally
are. I’m just excited to be playing new
have Neck Deep and save Your Breath supporting
you on the tour, how have you found touring alongside
these bands?
Jordan: Its cool, the coolest thing is that
in the states it would be a different thing.
I mean the kids in the crowd would be in crowd
fans, and those pop punk fans that are just
specifically fans of those genres, were as overhear
kids are into music in general. I mean tonight
before we loaded in there was some kid waiting
for the Killswitch Show and was like sorry I
can’t come to your show tonight, I mean
2 shows in one night, and I was like well where
sold out anyway but that’s crazy!
Mike: I find that fans of our genre are less
jaded over hear.
Jordan: I mean the whole crowd are stoked,
I mean the fans get on the stage and are jumping
off and enjoying themselves. I mean last night
in Manchester some kid got on stage and played
bass and Mike jumped into the crowd and surfed
whilst this kid killed it, it was awesome.
would you say the best thing about being in a
band is?
Jordan: Seeing the world is one of the coolest
things about it, we don’t make that much
money but to say we’ve been here here
and here, and all these places, and I’ve
got a passport which is stapled full of stamps.
Mike: You’d be surprised how expensive
it is to run a business like this, I mean at
the end of the day we’re a partial owners
of a corporation, I mean all these bands are
incorporated, its expensive, it’s a real
job. At the end of the day, the best thing is,
most people hate the things they do from time
to time and at the core of me I know I don’t
hate this and I’m here because I want
to be.
do you hope to see We Are The In crowd in a year’s
Mike: Selling out the stage that Killswitch
are playing.
last random question that we ask every band, if
you could be an animal out of a zebra or Giraffe
which one would you be and why?
Jordan: I’d be a giraffe as I’m
extremely tall and I’m already really
lanky, I don’t know they can reach leaves
and stuff.
Mike: I’d probably be a zebra because
being a giraffe would give me vertigo
Jordan: I feel like zebras would get mauled
the fuck up though, you see them on the Discovery
Channel all the time.
Mike: Whatever I’d be a zebra. ‘Laughs’
for your time is there a message for your fans
reading this?
Mike: Thanks for reading this.
Interview by James Daly