Before Decade's recent gig in support of Mayday
Parade, James caught up with Connor and Harry
from the band for an impromptu interview.
you tell us a bit about Decade and how you came
together as a band?
Connor: Well I’m Connor and I sing and play
guitar in Decade.
Harry: I’m Harry and I play Bass in Decade
Connor: Both the same band, lol. We started out
in late 2009/early 2010, just a bunch of friends
playing music and traveling as much as possible,
then we signed to Spinefarm Records last year
and recorded our debut album, Good Luck, which
came out on January 13th, just a few weeks ago,
which is why where on this tour now, promoting
it and giving it a big push to kick things off.
have you found the tour so far?
Harry: It’s been different, where used to
quite a broad age bracket on tours when we play
but Mayday attract quite a young teenage audience
which we haven’t really been exposed to
before, so it’s been a good expanding of
our fan base. We’ve had some good feedback
on twitter so it’s been quite beneficial.
you said, you released your latest album ‘Good
Luck’ this month, how well would you say
the album has gone down with fans?
Connor: It’s really hard to gage how well
it’s does beyond social media feedback,
as we’re just sat at home, just 5 dudes
sat in our bedroom hitting refresh and seeing
what comes in, but the response we’ve had
come in from fans who’ve heard it has been
great, as we’ve had the album done for so
long, it’s great to finally be able to release
and have people hear the songs that we’ve
been talking about.
about with the press?
Connor: Yeah, we’ve had some coverage and
had a few reviews, but I prefer to hear what the
fans have to say directly to us.
Harry: In general, the reviews we have had, have
understood the direction we were going with, with
the album so that’s cool for us, it’s
quite easy to pigeon hole our music.
what would you describe it as?
Harry: ooooh
Connor: I’d describe it as somewhere between,
but not limited to; pop, punk, rock, and grunge
and anywhere in-between. We’re five really
quite different guys, but where best friends and
we all listened to such different stuff growing
up, and we all through it together and this is
what has come up. I know allot of bands say that,
but I feel like we have a twisted sort of blend
of genres which can be uncomfortable but I find
it refreshing and I quite enjoy it.
did you find the whole recording process for ‘Good
Harry: It’s quite a natural process actually,
we thought we’d go in and they’d take
our songs apart and mess with them.
Connor: It is always a worry when you go into
a studio, as you say, things could be taken apart
and operated on, but it was really comfortable.
We went in with Romesh Dodangoda at Long wave
in Cardiff and he was on the same level as us
from day one and we made very few changes to our
songs, and it all came together very nicely.
I’m doing this impromptu, I don’t
have a set list of questions for Decade and so
go off pretty much the questions I gave to Mayday
Parade, so when I get to the question about how
does it feel to be back in the UK I read it out
and then go, well you can’t answer that
as you’re already from the UK to which Harry
Harry: Sometimes when where on tour, people come
to the merch desk and ask is this the first time
you’re in the UK?
Connor: How many times you been to the UK?
Harry: Well I only live 2 hours down the road
about in the UK are you from then?
Harry: Bath near Bristol and the surrounding area.
it like supporting Man Overboard and Mayday Parade?
Harry: It’s good we’ve had the pleasure
over the past few years to support some of the
stalwarts of American pop punk and alternative
music, and we have had the pleasure of playing
with both bands before, so it’s been cool
to meet up with those guys and play some shows.
Connor: I love Man Overboard, it’s been
great watching Man Overboard every night, it’s
awesome to watch I love it!
have you got planned after this tour?
Connor: Can we say?
Harry: I’m not sure can we say it?
Connor: We’ve got something in the works
but we’re not sure if we can put it out
yet as the official announcement has to happen
first. We’ll just say we’ve got plans
for tours of the UK and heaps of festivals over
the summer.
Harry: And hopefully head over to Europe too.
do you get up to whilst you’re on tour?
Do you have any hobbies to pass the time?
Connor: We complain allot
Harry: We place dice
Connor: Yeah we gamble quite allot, we’ve
got a set of dice and a little dice arena and
sit and put money down and lose money on.
Harry: No matter how close we are, we can never
decide who gets what bed in the hotel or were
to sit in the van, we’re still literally
little children as we have to place dice to see
who gets what.
Connor: We are pathetic
would you like to see yourselves in a years’
Harry: I’d like to not have a job as well
as be in a band.
Connor: It’d be nice to have less of real
life and more of the band side of things.
last random question that we ask every band, if
you could be an animal out of a zebra or Giraffe,
which one would you be and why?
Harry: I’m gonna go with Giraffe as I saw
that documentary by David Attenborough, Africa,
and the way they fight with their necks is awesome.
Connor: Nah I can’t deal with that, if someone
came up to me and whacked me around the neck with
his neck, I’d be like Nah, so I’m
gonna say zebra
Harry: Zebras definitely look cooler
Connor: Yeah
Harry: It’s just like a horse with stripes
for your time is there a message for your fans
reading this?
Connor: Thanks very much for reading, if you’ve
got our album great and thanks for picking it
up, if not, then what you doing? Go and pick it
Interview by James Daly