James caught up with Jerry Horton from Papa Roach
before their headline show at the Academy in Birmingham
to talk about their current album 'The Connection',plans
for their future album, how hectic 2013 has been
for them and much more.
released your seventh studio album ‘The
Connection’ back last October are you happy
with how the album has gone down with your fans
and the press?
Yeah, we’ve received great reviews from
almost everyone that we’ve encountered.
It’s gratifying because with every record
you have to take a chance and go somewhere new
musically without knowing exactly how it’s
going to go down.
would you say your favourite track from ‘The
Connection’ is and why?
I really like ‘Before I die’ which,
is a song that wasn’t originally intended
for Papa Roach. Tobin had written it entirely
on his computer using only electronics. We were
just in the studio one day and said ok, what
do you have? And he said well I have this thing
but, it’s not really us. He played it
and we all said wow, come on we’ve got
to work on this. We went into the live room
and worked on it and I think it turned out really
know it is still
early days but has any work or thought been put
into the next Papa Roach album?
Yeah, we’ve been working on it for at
least this tour. I don’t think we’re
going to go in this time with too much written,
I think it’s more about just going in
and seeing what happens. We’re going into
the studio in February and we’ll be working
with a guy called Kevin Churko who did the last
two In This Moment records.
are currently back in the UK on a headline tour,
how does it feel to be back over here and how
have the first couple of nights been?
I’m really happy to be back on a proper
tour because it’s been a long time. The
first night of the tour was in Portsmouth and
it was kind of ok but last night we were in
Sheffield and it was really good. I think the
Portsmouth show was maybe a bit lacklustre because
there were a lot of first timers there so they
didn’t really know how it works with us.
are being supported by Middle Class Rut and American
Fangs how did these bands become a part of the
tour and how have you found touring with them
so far?
Middle Class Rut are friends of ours from Sacramento,
California. They’ve been on a different
path to us musically but we said let’s
just get together and do this. They were supposed
to be on the whole of the European tour but
their label pulled their support so they could
only do the UK leg.
We love both of the bands that are with us right
now. They have great energy so it’s cool
to be able to do this with them.
there certain shows on the tour you are looking
forward to playing more than others?
I know that the Glasgow is going to go crazy;
I know Manchester is going to be great as well.
I’m excited for Dublin because we haven’t
been there in about 7 or 8 years.
spend a lot of time on the road touring, what
do you get up to in-between shows to keep you
We usually do three shows in a row and then
have a day off but it usually depends on the
city we’re in and the time that we have
free and driving to the different venues. Personally
I’m into photography so I like to try
and get out and take some photos. I know that
we’ve got a day off in Glasgow so we’ve
planning on going to Edinburgh castle.
the tour comes to an end in Brixton on Sunday
what do you have planned next?
We’ve got a few days off and then we’re
doing a few more shows. I think we’re
doing New Year in Las Vegas and we’re
doing a rock cruise called ‘Ship Rocked’.
In February we’ll be in the studio and
then hopefully we’ll have a record by
August or September and be back in the UK soon
has been a busy year for Papa Roach with relentless
touring and festival appearances but what would
you say your highlight of the year has been?
I think it would have to be Rock AM Ring. Everything
about it was just right and the attendance was
higher than in previous years. The crowd were
last random question that we ask every band, if
you could be an animal out of a zebra or Giraffe
which one would you be and why?
I guess I would be a giraffe because their point
on vision is different from ours.
for your time is there a message for your fans
reading this?
Thank you very much for sticking with us. If
you haven’t been to a show before come
and see us because it’s a great experience
and we hope to see you soon.
Interview by James Daly