caught up with Kids In Glass Houses before their
headline show at Nottingham Rescue Rooms to talk
about their new album 'Peace', being back on the
road touring and much more.
has the new album been perceived and received
by fans?
so far so good, we have been out on tour for two
weeks and judging from the reactions at the shows
it has been really positive! over the course of
the tour we play five or six new songs from our
album and the crowd already know the words and
sing them back to us so yer.... its been taken
very well.
album has been out for just over a week now so
whats next for the band?
we are promoting, promoting, promoting! the
tour started before the albums release so we
haven't really had time to promote so we are
going to throw ourselves out there.
you first started out you had support from some
big names from my chemical romance to the googoo
dolls and big promotors like kerrang, how did
that fell looking back now?
you never really notice it at the time but looking
back now it was and still is amazing! its great
to have such great support and I cant even count
the amount of bands that have took us on tour
with them, we even managed to steel a few fans
of theirs also and we are greatful for that.
of all the bands you have been on tour with which
one has been the one that have done something
crazy or has pushed you in at the deep end?
the biggest one has been Bon Jovi in the rain!
but the Stereophonics is the one, we did huge
arena tours with them and that was massive,
playing to all those fans was amazing!
is your favorite song on your new album and why?
ohhhhhh... that would probably have to be VIP
just because it is such a fun song to play,
its kind different and rocky to the others and
since we came up with the idea its just been
a favorite of mine.
is your musical inspiration?
The killers are a big influence for me, especially
the guitar licks they come up with, When they
happen they really happen and are prominent!
at comments online for your video Drive i have
seen comments such as “Kids in Glass Houses
are back” and “ I was skeptical at
first but I have fell in love with the band all
over again”, is this something you find
quite common with fans when you change your music
Yer when you progress and change you both loose
and gain fans, with the last album it took fans
a few times listening to the album to get into
it but change is never a bad thing right! you
cant keep repeating yourself musically, thats
something we never want to do anyways.
is the process when writing and developing an
It’s always diffent to be fair, it used
to be we would all get together and make noise
untill something jumped out at us but ummmm
as we have become more exsperianced with the
whole process we just write ideas at home, send
them to Alid and let him sing over them and
see what works, if they work they work if not
then they go in the bin. that tends to work
for us at the moment and then we just practice
with it.
Weller has produced the album this time, whats
it like working with him?
Well usually when making a album it is done
in all sorts of locations over six months but
this time it has been one of the best and easiest
processes ever. We got everything prepared songs
and all, got into a studio for four weeks and
knocked everything out. People was telling us
he would be a hard ass but it was one of the
most stress free processes ever.
themes and stories are covered in this album?
You will have to ask Alid that as he is the
chief lyricist, I know this time there is no
concept running through the record and they
are personal things from Alid.
would you say ha been your biggest high and low
moment with the band so far?
A big highlight is always reading festival ,
its kinda like home and the reactions are always
great and the low points are.. every time the
album cycle ends you are left thinking “
will people still like you, will they stick
around”. The thing that relives that is
when you go back on tour and have people sing
the words back to you, then you know the fans
are still interested.
you could be a Zebra or a Giraffe which one would
it be and why?
Ooooooooh... right! errrrm I would probably
be a Zebra, they are really placid and Giraffe
and so tall but really rubbish at running from
Is there a message you would like to give to the
Thanks for picking up the album if you have
, if you haven't you should . also thanks for
coming to our shows and showing us your support!
Interview by Nathan Williams