caught up with Chris Jericho from Fozzy to talk
about the bands new album, Wrestling and much
the fact you have an extremely prestigious career
as a professional wrestler, what prompted you
to get involved with music?
I’ve been playing in bands since I was 12,
I’ve always wanted to be in a rock band
it was always one of my life’s goals, so
it didn’t come out of nowhere I’ve
always been involved with it. When I met rich
in 1999 we hit it off, so we started our band
from there.
gave yourselves quite the back story back in the
day, what brought that on?
Well when we started it was just a fun project
on the weekends called Fozzy Osbourne, just whenever
I was in town we’d jam and stuff. Then we
got signed and they wanted us to be a cover band,
just do covers which you could say is interesting.
The story came around to coincide with that because
it was just something that was fun, but after
a year and a half we wanted to move on and do
something of our own which is why most people
start bands, so yeah that was that.
just released your latest album “Sin and
Bones”, how have you found the press response
to this?
It’s been amazing, absolutely off the charts.
From Metal Hammer to Kerrang to Rolling Stone
we’ve had a great rating across the board.
It’s the fastest selling record we’ve
ever had, it’s the highest charting record
we’ve ever had, definitely the most touring
we’ve done surrounding it, our old fans
dig it but we’ve also got a lot of new fans.
included collaborations with M. Shadows from Avenged
Sevenfold and one with Motorhead also, how did
you manage to land these?
Phil from Motorhead has been a friend of mine
for years, also he’s been a fan of the band
for a while too he came and jammed with us at
The Whiskey last year. He kept calling me asking
if he could put something on our next record and
I was like hell why not. Shadows I had the privileged
to tour with last year with Avenged Sevenfold
and we got on really well so I sent him the song
and he liked it, he helped with the arrangement
of the song as well so he put some hard work into
it with us.
did a spoken word show a few nights ago, how did
that go?
It was great, it’s not like I don’t
have enough to talk about you know with 20 plus
years of rock n’ roll experiences and wrestling
experiences to draw on, I put together a little
highlight video then I walked on stage with no
plan or notes then in 2 and a half hours I was
are Fozzy’s plans after this tour?
We’re off for like a month and a half, then
we’re off to Australia in Febuary with Metallica,
more touring in the States in April and May, then
we’re coming back over here to do some more
touring around August including Bloodstock Festival,
so yeah just keep the ball rolling, when you’re
going on tour with Metallica it’s not a
bad time right? Haha.
you have any personal plans outside of Fozzy?
Odds and ends but nothing substantial to be honest,
mostly Fozzy’s schedule but I have odd showcases
and TV appearances so I’m always busy that’s
for sure.
is going to happen with your wrestling career?
Well I never said I was done it’s just that
for now everything’s based around Fozzy,
we’ve come on leaps and bounds since we
started and it’s been my dream since I was
12 so I’ve got to push this thing as far
as it can go. I’m not opposed to going back
to wrestling I just don’t have any solid
plans yet.
last random question that we ask every band, if
you could be an animal out of a zebra or Giraffe
which one would you be and why?
Think id pick a giraffe because they have really
long necks and can see over fences, see girls
in swimming pools or getting changed in their
apartments, a zebra is probably fasted but I’m
sure giraffes can do tricks with their necks,
see things you’re not supposed to see.
for your time, is there a message for your fans
reading the interview?
Just glad to be back in the UK, I’ve always
considered this our second home. Great fan base,
lots of fans and we’re just honoured to
be here.
Interview by James Webb