and Jude caught up with Josh Eppard from Coheed
And Cambria before they took to the stage at Birmingham
Academy to talk about their latest album 'The
Afterman Ascension', their current tour and much
released your sixth studio album ‘The Afterman:
Ascension’ back in October, are you happy
with how the album has gone down with your fans
and the press?
Josh Eppard, Drums) Yeah big time, you know any
band that has six albums, I don't know any bands
that have fans that love every record, more than
ever were aware of the reception than an album
gets. The last record didn't get the warmest reception,
it was really, I don't want to say that we were
relieved, we certainly believed in that record
but I was overjoyed at how this one was received,
from a commercial stand point its done really
well, but from the fans it means more than sales
and reviews.
Afterman: Descension’ is due for release
on the 5th February, what can we expect from the
There are a few surprises on this album, but it
wouldn't be a C&C record with out a few surprises.
A band like coheed doesn't do one thing so its
hard to shock people but there is some shit that's
way out there, there's a horn section, and some
cool shit, in my opinion its a great record.
have decided to put ‘The Afterman: Ascension’
and ‘The Afterman:Descension’ out
as two separate releases only months apart, what
was the reason behind dividing the album into
two parts?
I hate double records that could clearly be better
if it was one record, what we found is that we
had too much material for one record, obviously
story line wise for Claudio thought that the double
record could supplement the story. Its something
we went back and forth with, the amount of material
dictated what happened. The album ties together
in an interesting way, but I think each record
can stand alone.
did you find the writing and recording process
on ‘The Afterman’ albums compared
to your previous albums?
Certainly a lot different, with everything that
happened with Mike Todd, it was a tumultuous time
for the band then with me coming back into the
fold, it wasn't like before where we rented a
studio for a couple of months, played for a couple
of months and wrote a record, Claudio always came
in with ideas, that's not gonna change, but he
had material for two years without me there, so
its not like I came in and said I'm ready to go,
he had some specific ideas which I think only
made the record better, I don't have an ego to
the point where I think I'm always right, I think
some of the best stuff I've done as a musician
is when Claudio has pushed me to do things, some
ideas he had then me interpreting that, I think
we got some great stuff and its a process that
will continue. I think its a sign that 5 years,
we weren't as mature as we are now, if Claudio
had said 5 years ago I'm not feeling that, it
would have been a fight, as now were adults, I
see it that he's not attacking me, he just has
a specific idea, also on this record we were all
here, on this record instead of me doing 12 drum
tracks, Claudio doing vocals in one go over a
month, we did songs in threes, I'd do 3 drum tracks,
then 3 bass and guitar tracks then Claudio would
do his vocals id he wanted to, we were all there
at the same time being creative, I hope it continues
this way, its stupid to do it the old way, but
then that's the way everyone has been told to
do things by producers, but doing it in 3 threes,
you feel fresher and they come to like quicker.
does it feel to be back in the band?
It feels great, life's short but its also long,
a lot happens in life, two years ago if some one
asked me, if I would have changed anything? I'd
said I would have done everything differently,
but now, I think maybe it had to happen like that,
maybe I needed to not be in C&C for 5 years,
and for me to grow up and for me not doing drugs
which was a big part of that. But I wouldn't change
anything, if I can come back to Coheed and adding
some fresh energy, ill take that. People ask me
is it weird being back in the band, I say it was
weird not being in the band, some things that
could have been weird have been navigated through,
the most important thing for me that after 5 days
it was business as usual, it could not be going
are currently on a headline UK tour, how have
the shows been so far?
The Koko shows were fucking
legend, we played great, I expect the bands to
go nuts, but the crowd blew my mind, both nights
were tremendous.
you have six, soon to be seven studio albums to
your name do you find it hard picking set lists
for your shows?
Its tough, you want each record
to be represented, but the hardest thing is the
earliest stuff, but what's funny is that I know
the material better on the two albums that I didn't
play than the ones that I did, but I am a fan
of this band, so even when I wasn't in the band
I still listed to the music. Its hard to pick
10 years worth of material, we try to pick a well
rounded set, but sometimes one album isn't represented,
but having that problem is a good thing, it shows
that the band has some longevity in it.
these two new albums ever be played back to back
on either one night or over two like the band
did with the other albums with the Neverender
I imagine it would be two nights, but you know
what that fucking mad man Claudio is thinking(laughs)
are headlining a Jagermeister show in Bournemouth
on the 13th November. How important do you think
brands like Jagermeister are when it comes to
helping and promoting bands in the music industry?
I don't really know, back in the states, there
are energy drinks that do this sort of thing,
but its a two way street, I guess these bands
lend a certain credibility to these drinks(chuckles).
Its a good question, if your a young band looking
for exposure, getting on a tour like that is huge.
I think it happens more over here than in America.
But I'm not really sure, if they are providing
exposure then its vastly important for bands.
we expect you to be back touring in the UK in
2013 once ‘The Afterman:Descension’
has been released?
There's nothing definite yet, but we love coming
to the UK, Europe is great but the UK is awesome
but we are definitely coming back at some point
in 2013.
your opinion on the whole anti piracy laws going
on at the moment and how it will affect the music
industry but also you personally as a musician?
This thing has been going on forever, I remember
when they started putting the FBI warnings on
CDs, and I said man that doesn't look fucking
cool (laughs). I don't know, I'm really split,
I understand that art in some capacity should
be paid for, limiting peoples exposure to art,
I don't know if I'm down with that, I'm really
split, like most people. Most bands that say the
internet is bad, the internet certainly helped
them out, and every band that says the internet
is good, give their music way, but the wont be
able to do that all the time, or else they wont
be a band for very long. I don't really know how
to answer this question, I'm pretty split.
bands get gifts from their fans, what has been
the best and also the weirdest gift you have received
from a fan?
The best, I know we have cake coming tonight,
food is always good. The weirdest was from a Coheed
fan but at the time I wasn't touring with them,
it was in the states I was with a band called
Terrible Things on the Warped Tour. I got to the
bus, there was a bag with a keywork on it, so
I thought it was a dragon fly, I opened it and
it had dog shit in it, I kind of got the joke,
but I still don't know who left it. We get gifts
all the time, one girl made us little rubber dragon
flys, I don't know if the fans know but we keep
what's given to us, when we get CDs from bands,
I for one always listen to them, some are good
and some are bad, I do give honest feedback, the
bad ones don't always like to hear what I have
to say, but then again I don't know everything
, we are always learning. The gifts given to us
don't go in the trash, we all have hundreds of
dragon flys and key works, it means a lot to us.
do you hope to see Coheed And Cambria in a year’s
Playing shows, touring the record, going to some
wild places, there's talk of going to China. I
hope to see us still happy, enjoying this, last
time I think I took things for granted and stopped
enjoying all this. If you're not enjoying this,
then you got problems dude.
last random question that we ask every band, if
you could be an animal out of a Zebra or Giraffe
which one would you be and why?
Both cool animals, I'd have to say Giraffe because
it would be fucking sick to be that tall and to
have a really long neck, I've always loved Giraffes
since I was a kid. It funny you should ask, we
did a Q & A in an Apple store, my fiancés
daughter was there, she's basically my step daughter,
she kept raising her hand and my fiancé
kept pulling it down, I asked her later on, what
did she want to ask me, she said I wanted to know
what your favourite animal was, I thought she
should of asked that as it would have been so
fucking cute.
for your time is there a message for your fans
reading this? Thank you and the fans mean everything to this
band, the fans are the reason why were here,
I think we realise that more now than ever,
not that we didn't embrace that before but understand
that its a certain type of person that's a Coheed
fan, more like family, we love to meet the fans,
9 out of 10 times we have a lot in common with
our fans. This band is a family and the fans
are the biggest part of that.
Interview by Robert Lawrence and Jude Onions