caught up with Dave McPherson from Inme to talk
about the bands latest studio album and much more.
just released your new album 'The Pride', how
do you think it's been received by fans so far?
I think it's gone well to be honest, it's a tricky
one to gauge. But any review I've seen so far
has not been a bad bad review, there was one review
that slagged off the artwork for half the review,
so I'm not going to take that review seriously.
There's risky moves we made on the album, and
that's fine if they pick up on that. To be honest,
if everyone just said 'you're amazing you're amazing'
I'd be really worried. It's done well in the major
press and the people and I'm pretty happy with
did you find the writing and the recording of
the album?
Pretty relaxed really. In the past we've isolated
it for 5 or 6 weeks in the studio, which is great,
but on the otherhand you're just ticking off boxes
each day, whereas this way we'd do 2 songs, then
the next month we'd do another 2 songs, we really
had time to write and be creative with each other,
and continue with our normal lives because we
recorded it in a studio close to our home town.
We wanted to whole album to be snappy and punchy,
and we felt a 10 song album would do that, and
leave people wanting more, instead of thinking
'shut up!'
you approached the writing of this album differently
to that of your previous album Herald Moth from
It was a bit more collaberative, the previous
2 albums I just wrote it all and the guys wrote
their parts, where as this record we pulled the
record apart a bit more. Me and Greg are on the
same page, we're brothers it's not easy. Simon
has always been on the same page as me. I'd write
some ideas and demos and we'd all come together
and work on it as a band. In the past I would
have been like 'no way' with past line ups. No
disrespect to anyone, they want to write a certain
type of music and I want to write a different
type of music. These guys hsare my focus and direction
of this album, it worked ut. And we're all friends.
themes and stories have you covered within 'The
Pride'? Is there a message you are trying to convey
to your fans?
It's supposed to be a bit more uplifting, but
still a bit dark in places, because I don't just
want to sing about happiness and joy joy joy,
it's about redemption and those sort of concepts,
living alone, rather than 'woe is me', rather
than letting the world get on top of you it's
about overcoming that and being stronger. I think
that comes with age! When I was younger I'd say
a silly thing and beat myself up about it, but
now I'm a lot more of a confident person, if i
offend someone, I just think, you can't please
everyone! Lyrically, it's more hopefuly, than
inspires you to write your lyrics?
Life, really. I love word play, I love poetry,
I love philosophy, but philosophy that's not obvious,
not 'do this and you will be that', little things
that make you think. Politics as well, I will
never get political with my music, but things
that make me think. If you're going to figure
yourself out as a person I think it's important
to play with discussions and stuff. Lyrically
this album is a lot dreamier, a lot more mature,
but in places a bit risky. Some lyrics in there
people might htink 'what the fuck is he on about?
Cats and chameleons?' It's a truthful album to
me and hopefully some people will jump on that.
are your favourite tracks from the album and why?
Reverie Shores we really like, we play that
one first. What I like about that song is that
I can't pinpoint what it is I like about it,
there's something in there, a bunch of different
inredients. I like Escape to Mysteriopa because
we invented a land, and made a poem about. We
developed this idea that when you're asleep,
sometimes you can meet people that have died,
in real life, and you can meet them, and it's
really vivid and nice. Like I meet my grandad
when I'm in my dreams sometimes, and he's just
as he was. When you wake up, they're gone, they're
dead. It's a song about travelling reality and
dreams. For me, that's what I wanted to express.
I have wierd vivid dreams. It's a strange concept
that not everyone will understand. On the flip
side I've had dreams about people that are alive
and well and they're dead, I wake up and think,
'YES!' [because they're still alive]. Death
is an interesting thing, we should be inspired
by death. My Grandad passed away and I've taken
things from his life, I'm inspired by him I
try to act like him.
latest album has been released by Pledge Music,
what made you go down this route and what special
events were offered to you?
And our record label as well. I did it for my
solo album, and it was just a total success.
On a financial level and on a fan level, people
loved it. That was it really, I just thought
it would be a good idea. It funds the whole
album, rather than me going to our manager,
asking if we could have a set amount of money,
people buy in advance. People buy in advance,
we've made an investment. I want to spend money
on decent videos, I don't want to make shit
videos anymore. No disrespect to the directors
but the budget wasn't there for the videos,
so this was a massive success for me and the
band. And you do a great thing for charity,
fans get stuff they wouldn't normally get. It's
really hard work though! You get 2250 people
asking when you''re going to send them stuff.
I know if I buy something I don't want to be
fucked about.
would you summarise the changes that the band
have gone through since the first album Overgrown
Eden release in 2003? How do you feel you have
progressed as a band?
Very very healthy. Back to basics, back down
to earth, a much stronger, family kind of vibe.
We don't need to tiptoe around emotions. No
disrespect to people in the past but it was
hard work, I was probably hard work at the end
of the day, we don't need that. We need to be
moving on. We're the most critical band in the
world of ourselves and we can really be there
for each other.
just beginning a month long tour of the UK, are
there any dates you're looking forward to more
than others or any venues/cities you prefer visiting?
Possibly the ones we haven't played yet; Cambridge
Junction is a really nice venue. It's always
nice when the venue isn't a scumhole. But then
again, some of the scumholes are the best shows.
London will be stressful. Brighton will be a
tough one to beat. Exeter was great. Tonight,
in Bristol, it wasn't great, I was off tonight.
I can't possibly the play the best show of my
life every night. They were a great crowd but
the pillars got in the way. Great people here
so I'm not badmouthing the venue.
we expect to see you at any UK festivals this
year? Or any overseas festivals?
Nothing is confirmed so i can't reveal anything
so there is no news. We're kind of a cult band
so we're not going to be the first confirmed,
there's talks of stuff with the main festivals.
I don't want to be politically involved because
I love the big main festivals all of them but
I'd also love to be involved with the smaller
festivals but nothing is confirmed. I'd like
to do a big one and a small one in the UK at
have you got planned once the tour is over?
Oh I'm going on holiday.
where are you going?
Portugal. We go there once a year, near the
Algarve. We know these people that are a lot
wealthier than me, they caught on to us as musicians
and they were like, 'you've got to come back'
We play whenever they want us to play, and we
go 'glam-ping' as they call it. Glamorous camping.
From my perspective it was just camping. They
really take care of us and I'm never going to
be that rich so it's really nice. They like
the arts, and we like really expensive crap.
We're going to support Lost Alone after across
Europe. Got a UK headline later in the year,
and then it's Christmas and I'm fucked.
played 'Natural' and 'Unmasked' from your first
album tonight, what made you pick those particular
tracks and not others from the album?
We really enjoy playing them. We play 15 songs,
and we can only play so many songs. We play
3 songs from the first album, 2 songs from the
2nd album, and try to spread it evenly between
the 5 albums and the best of really.
would you hope to see yourselves in 5 year's time?
Ascending really, rather than being in the same
place. I'm not that bothered, but I want to
be able to provide for my family. I might want
to have kids one day or something, I can't at
this stage in my life, if it doesn't happen
it doesn't happen, but I'm not one of these
people that rushes. I'd like to personally be
able to earn a certain amount of money to provide.
It's really hard to make money out of music
now but if I wanted to make money I'd have gone
into a different business. I want to play to
more people, more shows. I will always do the
smaller shows even if we got stupidly big.
would you be doing now if you weren't in the music
I'd be dead.
I've devoted myself to this from a very early
age, if I wasn't doing this now I'd be a massive
alcoholic, drug addict, gormless man. Certain
things are not for me, I'm not employable. I
don't like early mornings, this is where I'm
at my strongest. This is tough, but it's really
fun. Hard + fun = bearable. We're having a blast,
the highs outweigh the lows.
are your main influences, musically and as individuals?
Old school, Pink Floyd, and Talk Talk, bands
like that, but my Dad is a massive influence,
my Grandad, as I've already mentioned, music,
in general, film is a massive part of my life,
I'm a massive film geek. Beer, proper beer.
I follow the CAMRA quite religously, which is
the Campaign for Real Ale. Life inspires me.
Life is short, let's make the most of it, let's
have fun. I like comedy. Positivity, but I don't
like to sing about it, I like to sing about
dark shit. Music is theatrical. If you're that
person, you've got problems.
your most prized possession?
[Laughs] Well that's a dangerous question. You
can't say a person, that would be bad. I could
be cheesy. It's my determination. If someone
tells me something is a certain way and I don't
agree with them, I'll tell them, you're wrong.
There's something in me that clicked and made
me realise that you have to get on, it's my
last question we ask every band, if you could
be an animal out of a zebra and a giraffe, which
would you be and why?
Zebra. They haven't got a fucking awkward neck.
I'm used to not having to duck for bridges.
you for taking the time to talk to us, Is there
a message you'd like to leave for your fans reading
Thanks! Keep on Rockin'! Keep being awesome
and stuff!
Interview by Karlie M