caught up with The Wonder years to talk about
how the band come together as well as their hectic
stage show and much more.
The Wonder Years have been around for a five years
or so, you’ve released 3 albums and have
toured all over the place, now for people that
might not know a lot about you of you can you
give a brief history of the band and how you came
up with the name?
Soupy: A brief history of the band is as follows.
We thought it’d be funny to write some songs
about senseless bullshit, we wrote said songs,
said songs came out on a record. We then decided
to be a real band and to write real songs, those
songs came out on several other records and since
then we’ve just been touring as hard as
we can. The band’s name holds no significance
whatsoever. At the time we were just writing these
empty songs about nothing just for fun and there
was no point in putting any thought into a name
at that point. We then thought it was unwise to
change the name midway through the upswing for
us so we left it.
can someone who has never seen you before expect
from your live show?
Soupy: If we’re headlining we’ll play
15 to 17 songs but if we’re supporting we’ll
play about 8. We generally play a mix between
“The Upsides” and “Suburbia
I’ve Given You All And Now I’m Nothing”.
If we’re doing a headlining set then we’ll
do some tracks off some of our 7” records.
Six guys on stage getting sweaty is what you can
expect and we tend to do stupid things. I don’t
want to say expect it, cus you know, I don’t
jump off the PA stack every time we play, but
it happens*. It depends on the show and the vibe
as well as how dangerous of a dive it is. We just
tend to put everything we can into our live set.
*Just half hour after the interview, Soupy decided
whilst playing the gig that the stage was too
small, so he jumped off stage and performed half
of their set in the crowd, so he didn’t
jump of a PA but he did make their set memorable!
latest album “Suburbia: I’ve Given
You All and Now I’m Nothing” was released
in June this year, how has it been going down
with the fans and critics?
Soupy: It has been critically the most warmly
received album we’ve ever done. The reviews
were all really highly rated which was exciting
for us. I guess the best judge is when you play
a set and you look out and see kids going off
just as hard for the new songs as the old ones.
That’s not a common thing so it’s
exciting for us. A lot of times people want to
hear the old stuff and when you play the new stuff
they’re more laid back. We get the same
reaction for any song if not a bigger reaction
for the newer stuff. That’s a good sign
because it means we’re growing.
just released the video for your new single "come
out swinging", which has a girl dressed as
a ghost playing pranks; do you guys like playing
Soupy: No (laughter). We’re not really social
guys, we’re kind of awkward and I feel like
all the pranksters are cool people. I don’t
think I have pulled a good prank in my entire
life. The video wasn’t so much about pranks
for me. I wrote the treatment for the video and
the song has the line “I spent this year
as a ghost” so I started thinking about
just ghosts in general. That led to me thinking
about the idea of being lost, psychically lost
like being away and not always having a place
and then in more of a metaphorical way of being
lost and being angsty. I had this young girl dress
up as a ghost and use her suburban terrorism as
a kind of outlet for the angst. That feeling of
being upset but you’re not sure what has
upset you. It’s kind of this thing of I’m
upset and fuck the world, I’m gonna take
it down with me but put into the ideology of a
child and what they could do to tear down the
you direct the video?
Soupy: I came up with the idea and then it’s
all d.i.y. We had our friends Mitch and Larry
help and we got my little cousin Megan to dress
up as a ghost so that was her big acting debut,
although she did play Eeyore in a school play
(laughter). So yeah we just got our friends
together and shot it over two days and Mitch
and Larry made the ideas in my head come to
life for me. We like to be hands on in any way
we can. For instance when a lot of people write
a record they’ll write pieces of it and
then go into a studio and work with a producer
and cut out some songs. We wrote thirteen songs
for this record and all thirteen of them are
on it because we spent months on each one crafting
it before anyone else even heard it.
website has a nice idea which shows a map and
which tells the fans what locations inspired the
songs on the latest album, who came up with this
unique idea, does it mean allot to you to share
your inspiration and what’s the deal with
the pigeon?
Soupy: I stole the idea from a band called “The
Hold Steady”. A lot of their songs have
a lot of references bedded into them and somebody
took the time to find those references and put
them onto a map of the twin cities. I thought
it was really cool and wanted to do something
similar. We wanted to make it more localised
so we made it about our home town and told our
stories through that medium.
The pigeon began with our old keyboard player
who hated pigeons; it was just this horrible
bird that nobody wanted around. We just started
thinking about it more when we were all going
to college. Because we weren’t really
a full time band it means that nobody can really
“care too much” as far as the industry
was concerned. I’ve put air quotes around
that so please include that and this in your
transcription (laughter). As far as the industry
in concerned that want people who are working
on this all the time and we were only working
on it part of the time but twice as hard to
catch up. If we couldn’t be on tour because
we were at school then we were writing and releasing
a 7” or touring all weekend. We were running
ourselves ragged doing this because we had jobs.
Classes and then I was doing these teaching
programs at different schools. Nobody cared
and nobody listened because we weren’t
a full time band. We felt like we were unwanted
but instead of letting that destroy us we let
that be the catalyst to a lot of things and
we would push harder. I fell that’s like
a pigeon and what a pigeon does. They’re
everywhere in every city in the world in their
droves despite how bad people hate them. That’s
how we felt about ourselves as a band, no matter
how much people didn’t want us there we
were gonna crash the party.
played allot of gigs and festivals this year including
the Kerrang tour with Good Charlotte and Four
Year Strong, The Warped Tour, your own headline
tour, you’ve just finish New Found Glorys
“Pop Punk’s Not Dead” tour and
your now on this Saves The Day/ Yellowcard tour.
You’ve pretty much been none stop touring
since the start of the year. Do you find it hard
being on the road of have you grown used to it
and what has been your main Highs and Lows of
the this year?
Soupy: It’s definitely hard especially
when you’re doing a US tour. We’ll
be here and our driver will be like “ahh
man we’ve gotta drive six hours tonight”
and I’m like “yeah”. He thinks
that’s far where at home an average drive
is six hours where a bad drive is like twelve
or thirteen and sometimes you have to do those
and then play a show. We don’t get to
leave after a show until one in the morning,
load in is at 2pm so there’s only thirteen
hours in between which means you have to drive
nonstop. You get gas, cram food in yourself
and try to sleep in the van but it’s not
really comfortable. It’s hard, you get
sick and your back hurts. You definitely want
to go home sometimes but at the same time I
got to spend this entire year playing music
to people that want to hear us play, I got to
spend most of this year on tour with people
that I’ve spent my entire life looking
up to as musicians and as people and I’ve
got to go to a lot of countries in the past
couple of years. We’ve played almost every
state and seen those sites that you go on vacation
to see. We stopped in the Redwood Forest and
we got to see the biggest tree in the world,
although I think it’s like the third biggest
tree in the world because they don’t want
to tell you where the biggest one is in case
you carve your name in to it (laughter). There
are pros and cons to it like there is which
any job although this one definitely has a lot
of ups
does the future hold for the Wonder Years?
Soupy: This is our eleventh week without going
home so in two more we go home but we play three
shows. Then I’m going to Monday Night
Raw and then we’re off for like two months.
After that I think we’ll do some headline
stuff, come back here and hopefully go to Australia
again. That’s really where our plans end
at the moment and then it becomes this ambiguous
do we go on tour again or do we start writing
some more songs and that question hasn’t
been answered yet.
last question that we ask every band, if you could
be an animal out of a zebra and a giraffe which
would you be and why?
Soupy: A giraffe because they’re big as
shit. That’s a good of reason as any right?
for your time; do you have a message for your
fans reading this?
Soupy: That’s a weird question because
it’s normally the same answer that everyone
gives, you know, that were grateful etc. Er
I dunno, whatever the last band you interviewed
said copy and paste that for me but put that
I said that (laughter)
what band was it? I think it was Capdown or New
Found Glory
Soupy: Definitely put New Found Glory’s
answer down!
“Thank you so much for supporting our
band, we appreciate it and hopefully we’ll
see you next time we come through!” –
Ian, New Found Glory
Interview by James Daly