caught up with Mathias "Warlord" Nygård
from Turisas to talk about their new studio album,
current UK tour and plans for the future.
have just released your latest studio album ‘Stand
Up And Fight’ how has the album gone down
with your fans and the press?
I think pretty much as we expected. I mean it’s
kind of a different album; it’s not a copy
of what we’ve done in the past. So the reception
has been good overall but some people maybe expected
something different and will feel strange about
the album at first. It’s just really important
for us to not redo our previous stuff but release
albums that are interesting to ourselves, fresh
and have a new angle. I mean in the UK I think
we charted number 4 in the rock charts which is
pretty amazing for something like this. In Finland
we charted number 5 in the main album charts;
it’s been on the charts in Japan and in
Germany as well. It’s a totally different
case compared to the release of our previous albums.
did you find creating the album compared to your
previous albums?
It was quite a lot of work; we stopped touring
around mid 2009 and then spent the rest of the
year song writing. We did festivals but apart
from that we didn’t tour anymore and then
much of 2010 was spent in the studio just recording
and producing the album. There are a lot of layers
and a lot of different things going on in the
album; all details needed to be done separately
so it was a lot of pieces in this puzzle but it
paid off in the end.
would you say your favourite track from ‘Stand
Up And Fight’ is and why?
The thing is you try to make an album which has
a good variation of different things and sides
to the band. So not all the songs are done in
the same way or don’t aim for the same thing.
I would say the big song “End of an Empire”
which has quite a lot of stuff going on in it;
a lot of almost musical references to the west
end kind of things, so I think that’s quite
a funny piece. Out of all maybe, closest to what
I had in mind and how it came out, because there’s
always the difference from the vision you have
but in the end it doesn’t usually come out
as planned. So I think closest to the vision and
what I’m very happy about is more like “The
Bosphorus Freezes Over”, which turned out
to be pretty much exactly how I imagined it to
be so that’s probably the song I’m
most happy with.
lyrics within the album deal with the Byzantine
Empire, can you tell us a little more about this?
Well the previous album “The Varangian Way”
was a journey from the north of Europe through
the sort of eastern European river routes down
to the Byzantine Empire. That album kind of ended
there and this album picks up where that left
off; although it’s not as structured as
the previous one it’s more like flashes
from here and there in the sort of historical
story line. Totally on purpose to kind of focus
less on the story and write about things that
are more interesting in that way. It’s basically
about these so called “Varangian’s”
who would then have served in the so called “Varangian
Guard” which would have been an 11th centaury
mercenary troop in the Byzantine Army; it pretty
much follows their adventures in that part of
the world at that time. A lot of the emphasis
was not to write specifically only about that
even if that was the historical framework to make
it work where you want to look at it as commenting
what you would see on CNN today when you put it
on and not just tied into old dusty history stories
and books. It’s more timeless in that respect.
debut album was called ‘Battle Metal’
with many people classing your music as the same
name, do you ever think ‘Battle Metal’
will every officially become a genre of music?
I don’t know. To be honest we don’t
really care. We just write music we don’t
even want to say “we are Turisas and we
play folk metal or Viking metal or whatever you
want to call it” because maybe the best
record will be a bit different again and we will
go in a certain direction. The best way to keep
the artistic a freedom is to not categorise yourself
too much. The whole thing about the term “battle
metal” it started in the beginning when
we started out we had a broad field of influences
and brought in things from different genres; so
we started calling it battle metal as a joke really
and it became the album title and from there it
picked up as a title or slogan. It’s hard
to deny its impact when we played London and Hammerfest
in Wales last night, even today you can hear people
chanting “Battle Metal” all around
the venue already from in the afternoon. So it’s
astonishing the impact of just one term and being
able to call it “cool” but it’s
nothing we set out to do or planned or anything
that is our sort of mission; it’s just cool
that we have such a dedicated fan base.
have recently been touring in America with Cradle
of Filth how was the tour?
It was good it’s been a very long time since
we’ve been there. We did our last tour there
in 2008, so a lot of things have changed I mean
the recession has really had its impact and the
live market; and the music market is changing
year by year its going so fast nobody can keep
up with it. I think it was a very good tour with
us; the crowds were obviously very different more
black metal type of crowd and for us that’s
a cool thing. We can go tour with Dragonforce
or Cradle of Filth and still come out gathering
a lot of new fans and people appreciating our
live show. I think it would be very boring touring
in a package with a lot of similar bands all the
time, it’s also a challenge for us to go
and play to a crowd that’s not the most
open to what you do and still win them over. So
yeah it was a good tour.
played Hammerfest last night, how was it and did
you manage to check out any of the bands on the
I think I heard Accept playing but I didn’t
really see any other bands play because we played
just before Accept and I think they were the last
band. We’re so tied into getting into makeup
and costume and then getting out of it which takes
its time; it’s not just the 90 minutes we
play, its 90 minutes before and the again after
also, then by the time you’re out of the
shower and done the venues normally empty and
everybody’s left, your there feeling miserable
by yourself. The show was good; there were a lot
of kids coming out in painted faces and stuff.
We did a signing and it was really wild. It’s
also been a long time since we’ve done any
headlining shows in the UK; we did festivals for
a few years in a row like Sonisphere and Bloodstock
but its maybe been 2-3 years since we toured the
UK, even if this is only 3 dates we’ll be
back for a proper tour later in the year. It’s
very cool to come back and see how big things
have got and how enthusiastic everyone is. We’ve
toured and played the UK quite a lot over the
years and started out with London Underworld in
2005 and frequently kept coming and we’ve
just grown from there, so it’s good to see
it catching up and having that support from the
is the last show of your mini UK tour, how have
the crowds been taking to the new material and
what can we expect from tonight’s show?
We’ve obviously played some new songs on
the American tour, they couldn’t really
tell the difference between an old song and a
new song; most people were there to see Cradle
of Filth and didn’t really know us so you
couldn’t tell how they felt. However the
past couple of nights we have played some new
songs and it’s been really cool. Of course
when you play new material people aren’t
going to go as crazy as with stuff they are familiar
with; however with London and yesterday you could
tell that people knew the songs even if they’ve
only been out for a couple of weeks and already
we’ve got a good reception so it’s
pretty cool.
festivals are currently being announced, can we
expect you to come back in the summer to play
any festivals or maybe another UK tour?
We are going to be playing Download this year.
That’s going to be massive; we played there
in 2007 opening up the main stage and it was crazy
because of the sheer largeness and the scope of
everything is beyond imagination. Being able to
share a stage with bands like Iron Maiden and
Motley Crue you felt you were in good company
there. I don’t know where we’re going
to play this year or what slot but I’m sure
it’s going to be really cool. We’re
the kind of band we have our kind of metal audience
so we can do like Download which is somewhere
between a metal and more mainstream rock festival
and being in the same fashion as going on tour
with a black metal band, it’s cool to be
able to play a mainstream rock festival as well
where people who read Kerrang and like My Chemical
Romance can also see you live and to be able to
pull it off and play a good show. The proper UK
tour is still coming later this year; we’re
working on several dates and maybe sorting something
whilst we’re in Ireland so it’s going
to be pretty extensive and cover as much as we
can because it’s great to play here.
network sites seem to be a big tool in the music
industry these days, with artists communicating
with their fans over it and some even ditching
their own website and having just a social network
page, what are your opinions on social networks
as tools in the music industry?
Well I think anyone following a band is more
likely to go to their Myspace page or Facebook
or Twitter or whatever rather than their website
to find out whatever they need to know. I just
think that’s how it goes and you just
have to adopt it because there’s no point
going against it. I don’t really have
a particular opinion on it it’s just how
the world goes.
do you hope to see Turisas in a year’s time?
We’re going to pretty much on the road
the whole year so we’re surely going to
be touring. Now with the release of the new
album that gets us somewhere, because it’s
been a bit silent on our end for the last year
or year and a half because we took a break to
write the music and record the album. So now
back on the road again with a new album, we’ll
hopefully see the band growing and play some
bigger shows.
last random question that we ask every band, if
you could be an animal out of a Zebra or Giraffe
which one would you be and why?
Between a giraffe and a zebra? Either of them?
Hmmm... I think I’ll go for the giraffe
because they seem more relaxed and can eat stuff
from high up in the trees. I don’t know
I don’t think giraffes have any natural
enemies; I mean someone will hunt them but zebras
are a bit worse off. A giraffe is a lot more
interesting animal I think.
for your time is there a message for your fans
reading this?
We just want to thank you for the enormous
support we’ve already seen for these 3
shows here in the UK; London and then Nottingham
tonight it’s just mind blowing to see
how enthusiastic people here are about the band.
It’s flattering for us to come over here
and play and get that kind of reception so we’ll
make sure to come back again.
Interview By James Webb