met up with Good Charlotte drummer Dean Butterworth
and bassist Paul Thomas at the Birmingham O2 Academy
on the recent Kerrang Relentless Tour.
has heard of Good Charlotte as you've had 5 hit
albums, many top charting singles and have toured
everywhere over your 15 year history, but what
can you tell us about the band that people might
not already know?
Dean: You really stumped us with that one
(Long pause)
Paul: Er the first show we ever played was our
high school talent show
Me: I suppose its a hard question seeing as people
already seem to know everything about you guys
Paul: We have gay sex every night
(everyone laughs)
Dean: No we don't. We all really like hanging
out together, people probably know that but say
after gigs we some times hang out and watch movies
together and on days off we hang out. We like
to take saunas together on days off and sort of
detox and sweat, you know, not detoxing from anything
weird but yeah just to sweat, men sweating its
a good thing.
Paul: Er I don't know about that, I don't get
into the dude soup.
Dean: Everybody knows everything about us
Paul: No your onto something, we're like family
and everyone that works with us says where not
like other bands.
Dean: Yeah, allot of bands don't hang out at all,
but we really enjoy hanging out together and especially
on 'Cardiology' we are really inspired after spending
time being at home and doing family things, we're
now as hungry as ever to get our music out their
and play it to as many people as we can here on
planet earth, and to any other planet that wants
to hear it.
Paul:Bet you didn't know that, did ya!
done loads of gigs over the years, playing the
world over from the U.S. to Japan and your currently
the headline act on the Kerrang tour, with all
these gigs have you grown used to being on the
road or do you still find it hard especially since
most of you now have wives and children?
Paul: Its hard but it's all I've ever done, all
my life.
Dean: Music is an interesting thing as there's
cycles on every record, so you put an album out
and you get to go home, which means you get to
spend quality time with your family that most
people don't. We where home for a long time and
you wake up everyday
Paul: And do what you want to do
Dean: Yeah you live your life with your friends
and family, and then you come out, work hard and
travel for a year or 18 months on a record. And
we probably wont take the two years off next time
Paul: Yeah, we where starting family's and stuff
Dean: Yeah, we want to get another record out
quickly. But I wouldn't want it any other way,
as far as I can remember, I used to look at record
covers or watch bands on TV and it was all I ever
wanted to do. So it's hard to complain, even though
we do sometimes,
Paul: Usually when where hungover
Dean: Its allot of work but we all have the best
lives, and all of us are super grateful for it.
newest single 'Sex On The Radio' from your latest
album 'Cardiology' is due for release soon and
the video is starting to get played on TV. Now
it looks like a fun video to make, was it? And
what was your best and worst videos to make over
your career?
Paul: Yeah that was a blast to make, it was the
first video in our history that we didn't have
to do a performance for, and we where in costumes
talking to complete strangers all day, in LA.
The streets of LA are full of people who just
want to get onto camera and get weird, so we didn't
have to get anything out of anybody, so we walked
round and went to different locations.
Dean: Yeah, we ended up on Hollywood Boulevard,
which is really trippy, as any night of the week
is an experience
Paul: Yeah we where like the least odd people
out their and we where in costumes. The worst
video, maybe 'The Click' because we weren't really
involved with it, we just shot it at a performance
at the TLA in Philadelphia, but its not a bad
video still. Actually maybe 'Little Things' is
the worst video we ever filmed.
Dean: For me the hardest video we ever filmed,
since I've been around, was the one for 'Dance
Floor Anthem' as where in the middle of a tour
and we where so tired, remember how exhausted
we where
Paul: Yeah I do, and it was like the dirtiest
place too.
was your best video?
Paul: Best video.....
I don't know what would you say is our best video?
Dean: The River was cool
Paul: Predictable, with Billy's artwork?
Dean: Predictable was an awesome video.
Paul: We should get Billy to direct a new video,
that's what i think.
Dean: I like Girls and Boys video, I like the
vibe with the old lady's.
Paul: I have a feeling that the best video ever
will be the next video we are going to shoot,
which is for Last Night.
Dean: It's going to be our next single in the
US and Australia, and then probably over here
great song
Paul: It really represents allot of our life at
the moment
Paul: We are, where out here and enjoying each
others company more than ever and sometimes that
leads to a few drinks, but hey that's rock n roll.
have a greatest hits album out at the moment,
Paul: Greatest tits album, (laughs) that's what
I thought you said
has all your singles on, now I heard you only
found out about it when it had been released.
Would you have made this album if you had the
choice and what songs would you have put on it?
Paul: hmmm, good question. If it was released
after Cardiology making a total of 5 albums then...
Dean: Its that thing of when you change record
labels, they're gonna do what ever they can to
keep making money out of you. Now there's a new
record out and where touring, they can make more
money, and so their in the business of making
money, so that's what they're going to do.
Paul: So now people who might not know Good Charlotte
might be tempted to buy the greatest hits album
instead of Cardiology, which is a bummer.
you have put just singles on an album or would
you put some B-sides or ones that are fun to play?
Paul: See that's the problem when it comes to
doing our set-list, there are so many songs that
we like and each one of us feels different and
when it comes to picking songs and coming to common
ground its probably not a good idea to put it
in our hands as we'll probably never decide.
Dean: Yeah, but when it comes to greatest hits
its going to be singles, but if we ever did release
a greatest hits we should put it out with videos
in a package, it'd be neat.
come to the UK quite allot over the years, so
you know it pretty well. I have a list of a few
things that I'd like you to tell me, what your
favourites are from the UK;
Paul: I'm a big fan of English breakfasts, I had
one this morning, they don't do that back at home
at all, like the beans, mushrooms and tomatoes,
its good shit!
Dean: It might sound weird but there's allot of
great Indian food over here
Paul: the first time I ate Indian food was over
here, and now I love it
Dean: But yeah Fish and Chips, the standard shit.
Paul: Nandos, we've been eating allot their recently
Paul: Yeah over hear you guys use sugar instead
of corn syrup, that's why your Sprite tastes different
to me. But Sprites my favourite drink but I prefer
our one with corn syrup. There's allot of beers
I could name.
Dean: I like PG Tips
Paul: Whats that?
Paul: Oh that stuff where there's a box of it?
Dean: Yeah
Paul: Ah, see I'm new to that.
Paul: So many,
Dean: The Beatles
Paul: Yeah I guess the Beatles, but every band
I loves from here; David Bowie,Rolling Stones,
The Police, Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd.
hear your fans
of The Gallows too
Paul: Yeah, they're great, I just got turned on
to them. The twins have liked them for a while
now and keep playing their music here backstage.
Dean: I love Steel Pulse and UB40 as their from
here in Birmingham, I love Reggae. We could talk
about favourite bands, and for me and Paul all
our favourite bands are from England, there are
some great American bands but talking influential,
bands from the UK definitely are the best.
Dean: Glastonbury, I've played it a bunch, and
I love Reading and Leeds too but all of them are
Paul: Sonisphere was allot fun, I became a fan
of many bands that day, I'd never seen Placebo
or Rammstein
Dean: Yeah we got to see Anthrax, my friend drums
for Anthrax and its always good to hang out, and
I got to see the Gallows with my boys from Papa
Roach, that shit was crazy.
Dean: Man United
Paul: The Washington Redskins
Dean: I like that
Paul: I do play Fifa, but I don't have a favourite
Dean: London for me
Paul: Leeds, it was new. Did we have a day off
Dean: Sure your not thinking of Cardiff?
Paul: No, I remember Cardiff being mind-blowing!
Dean: But if you where to do anything, then London
Paul: Yeah anything you want to do is their, and
normally at any hour.
played Sonisphere Festival last year which along
with your special Koko gig marked your return
to the UK, now you've done this Kerrang tour,
have you got any plans to return later in the
year for more gigs and festivals?
Dean: Absolutely
Paul: Definitely, this our new home away from
home, over here. We'll most likely be over here
more than the states this year.
Dean: Right now is when we're booking festivals
and our team is look for the right ones for us
during the summer time, and we want to do another
UK tour by ourselves and/or with another big US
band or even another UK band. We've been talking
but we can't really say anything.
Paul: We don't want to get people excited and
it not happen.
Dean: We want to focus on the UK and being out
in the world, and play lots of shows and keeping
active. We want as many people to see and hear
us as possible, as this tour has been really successful
and where really grateful for all the fans coming
Paul: This has been the most successful tour,
with the most shows. We've come from not playing
sold out shows to an entire tour of sold out dates.
Were playing with big rock bands again, that actually
rock, where seeing mosh pits and seeing crowds
of half boys half girls and the crowds are younger,
which is great as more people are getting into
last week, it was announced that Guitar Hero is
being cancelled, Good Charlotte have supported
music video games since the amazing Donkey Konga
(search for their ad on you tube) on the Game
Cube. Do you play video games and have you played
Girls and Boys on Rock Band?
Paul: Yes and Yes and Deans No and No
Dean: I do I play, I can do guitar but I can't
do the drums.
Paul: But he plays real drums so well!
Dean: Yeah, I suck at the drums and when I last
did it I was like fuck I'm not doing that again.
But he shreds, at all video games.
Paul: Yeah me and Billy are the gamers, Joel is
becoming a gamer and he's into Call Of Duty, we
all play it on-line. Dean and Benji and the least
into games, but I play all kinds of video games.
games are your favourites?
Paul: Gears Of War, Call Of Duty's, Madden 11,
Fifa, NBA 2k, um shit there's so many games, God
of War and Devil May Cry.
Xbox or Ps3?
Paul: I am Xbox, but my lovely wife just bought
me a PS3 for Christmas, so I finally have a blu-ray
player now, so I went out and bought Resistance
straight away for discount, but I haven't had
time to play them yet.
network sites seem to be a big tool in the music
industry these days, with artists communicating
with their fans over it and some even ditching
their own website and having just a social network
page, what are your opinions on social networks
as tools in the music industry?
Paul: Their pretty vital nowadays so it speaks
for itself
Dean:I mean facebook and twitter, along with our
record label we have someone who focus's on getting
our message out over them. We do videos on tour
that go out straight away onto youtube which keeps
us engaged with our fan base. Its something we
new about but we didn't give it the attention
that new bands do, but we know now how great it
Paul: We realise how important it is and how it
gets you all over the world
Dean: I didn't want to do it all at first, I was
that guy, but I got my arm twisted and I'm on
Facebook and Twitter and it gives that personal
touch. Its also quick and easy.
Paul: Yeah, I'm not as good at it as like the
twins are, as they've met famous people through
twitter, they'll say something about a movie or
music their into and some how it'll get all the
way back to the person, like recently Micheal
Vick the quarterback for the Philadelphia Eagles.
Its crazy but its an evolution that where trying
to hold onto in this industry.
last question that we ask every band, if you could
be an animal out of a zebra and a giraffe which
would you be and why?
Paul: Just a Zeebra or Giraffe?
Paul: Did you say Zebra though?
Paul: That's cool man. I guess a giraffe as I
don't want to get eaten by a Lion
guess you could
see them coming
Dean: I'd be a giraffe
Paul: but giraffes are messed up, I mean don't
they let their kids die if they can't eat?
not sure
Paul: Oh man I'm sure there's some messed up stuff
that I can't remember write now, but the giraffe
one of the large five, are they one of the large
no idea!
Paul: Good question, which one would you be?
A zebra
as I prefer their colouring
Your going to get skinned alive for that
for you time; do you have a message for your fans
reading this?
Paul: Thanks to everyone that's come out to our
shows and made our lives so much better
Dean: Yeah, we are really grateful and I always
say that if we could meet everybody then we'd
love to, as our gratitude is enormous
Paul: An extra big thanks to everyone who bought
Dean: Yeah, so Good Charlotte family we love you,
thank you and we can't wait to see you at a show
Interview By James Daly