caught up with Gay For Johnny Depp backstage at
Bristol Croft to talk about the band name, their
current album and much more.
did you come up with the name ‘Gay For Johnny
Depp? And would you get gay for Johnny Depp?
I’ll start with the end of the question
first – yes I would, absolutely. The name
was kind of a joke but also an attempt to get
rid of any knuckle head morons that might come
down to the show. We wanted to create a violent
sounding band with a non-violent sounding name.
It was to stop people misreading what we were
trying to say.
you ever had any feedback from Johnny Depp himself
about the band being named after him?
Yeah, apparently he’s flattered, which
tells me he hasn’t listened. I think he
was probably going through an array of things
he had to do that day and his publicist said
to him, ‘Oh, by the way, there’s
a band called ‘Gay For Johnny Depp’
and they need a quote’ So he said, ‘tell
them I’m flattered’. Although he
seems like a pretty open minded cool guy so
I would imagine he’d approve. I’d
love to get him to play on a track.
would you describe your music style to someone
that had never heard you before?
This is always hard. It’s fairly chaotic
and abrasive, it has hints of metal and hardcore
but we’re not really dumb enough to play
straight hardcore and we’re not really
good enough to play straight metal, so it’s
right in the middle. It’s a little bit
chaotic and distant and hopefully it’s
just produced your new album ‘What Doesn’t
Kill You, Eventually Kills You’, how has
this gone down with your fans and the press?
So far so good, but it’s only been out
a day! The preliminary reviews have been great
across the board. I don’t really care
too much for reviews but then again it’s
always nice to read good things about yourself
in print. Everyone in my peer group and the
other musicians I know from New York and London
love it, and that feedback is what I respond
to the most so that’s been great.
themes and stories do you cover within the album?
It’s really different. Basically the
way the band works is we write the songs and
I come up with all the song titles before the
singer has heard it. He basically hears it for
a week and a half before he records all the
vocals.Some are based on sound, some are based
on the song title I’ve given them, even
though a lot of them are tongue in cheek. I
would say more than anything this record is
a bit more serious. In the beginning obviously
we got a lot of press for talking about anally
raping Johnny, but we don’t really sing
about that anymore. In fact, I don’t even
think his name is mentioned on this record.
We sang about that stuff in the beginning because
it was hysterical to us. There’s only
so many times you can write about having brutal,
violent gay sex with a man.
would you say is your favourite track from the
new album and why?
Ummm… [pause] I think maybe the first
track, ‘Santa Claus, The Easter Bunny
and Artistic Integrity’ because I never
thought I’d be in a band that would be
able to make that particular sound. As a guitar
player and songwriter I write a lot of different
things, sometimes you write within the limitations
of your band mates, not only what they are capable
of but what they listen to, and that came out
bizarrely how I wanted it which was kind of
strange and nice.
recently released a very explicit and shocking
video for your song ‘Suckcess’, who’s
idea was it and how did you go about creating
Chelsea Piers As The Hunter (Bass)takes full
and absolute responsibility; I had nothing to
do with it. Apparently he was searching online
and there is an all-male black porn video with
the same title. He interspersed shots from this
80’s porn film with some live material
that we had done in Brooklyn. It’s really
Chelsea’s baby, all credit goes to him.
I hope it’s on his epitaph.
has general feedback from the video been like
and where can people watch the uncensored version?
I don’t know how there’s an uncensored
version because it’s still explicit, apparently
it’s on YouTube and you can watch it there.
The censored version is quite exciting. We also
have a new video for the new single ‘Come
On Feel TheBoize’ which is coming out
in a week or so.
is the first night of your massive UK headline
tour, what can we expect from the tour and the
Hopefully some witty banter on my part. We’ve
been doing this a while and it’s theatrical
as much as it is visual, hopefully we’ve
got better at it. I think the idea is that if
you bombard people with enough imagery, both
audio and visual, they can be mentally bludgeoned
into accepting things on face vbalue. It’s
so easy to walk into a room and see 5 dudes,
kind of overweight, with long stringy hair and
metal shirts, and you can say ‘I know
what this band are gonna sound like’.
Now if this band came out and played ska, you’ll
be shocked. And then you accept it with new
ears. You see a group of guys in a shirt and
tie and you think they’re gonna be a Beatles
theme. Then they come out playing a noise metal
project it make you go ‘woah’. We
don’t just try and do one thing, we try
and do as many things as humanly possible in
the 30-40 minutes we’re on stage trying
to shock people’s minds into accepting
music as it is.
touring alongside The Computers, how did this
come about and are you fans of their music?
Yeah, absolutely. We played shows with them
a couple of years ago. We did like a mini tour
with them, and we hit it off really well and
they’re really good mates. They’re
from Exeter so we usually see them when we swing
through. It worked out really well because we’ve
just finished a tour with Pulled Apart By Horses,
and they had just finished a tour with Alexisonfire,
and it was something we both needed to do at
the same time. It was like, ‘hey guys,
do you wanna repeat the past’. Right before
you got here it was like a little family reunion.
you looking forward to any shows more than others?
London, really. No disrespect to any other
town, but I lived in London for a while and
have quite a few good friends there so it’s
always nice to go back. There’s always
certain bright spots, Manchester is always a
great time, Edinburgh is always a great time,
Glasgow is always a great time, but I’m
always looking forward to London.
would you compare shows in the UK compared to
shows back home?
We don’t really play shows back home
all that much. We don’t tour back home.
We will, probably soon. In the 6 or 7 years
of being in the band the UK is the only place
that has released our albums. This is the first
album that’s getting released internationally,
so we’ll probably do quite a bit more
touring. This is the first opportunity that
we’ve had. We play New York, obviously
‘cos we’re from there, and Brooklyn,
but we don’t really tour over there, ‘cos
there’s really no point. The UK has always
embraced what we do and we love them for it.
We love it here. I adore British culture in
all of it’s ridiculousness and fantasticness.
we expect to see GFJD at any UK festivals this
Yep. I don’t know which ones right now,
our booking agent is working on that. I know
there’s some but I don’t know which
do you expect to see GFJD in a year’s time?
I really don’t know. It’s funny,
it’s a good question. I never have in
any of my previous projects thought about a
goal. I mean, there’s a goal of wanting
to continue doing what you do and yuou work
towards them but you never think about a specific
goal. It’s not as if I would only be happy
if we sold 20,000 records, or 50,000 records
because eat that point it’s just silly,
or what size venues you play. I think as long
as we get to continue to make and create art,
and showcase it for people that are fans; any
level of success is ok by me.
last question we ask everyone, if you could be
an animal out of a zebra and a giraffe, which
one would you be and why?
I would be a hippopotamus. I know it’s
not an option, but hippopotamus is the answer.
If you think about any animal versus a hippopotamus
the hippopotamus wins. They’re mostly
vegetarian animals but man, don’t fuck
with a hippopotamus.
you for your time, have you got a message you
would like to leave for your fans reading this?
Yeah, just enjoy your life, and do as many
drugs as you feel you can handle.
Interview By Karlie M