caught up with Mo'Royce Peterson and Robin Gibbens
from Tragedy The All Metal Tribute To The Bee
Gees to talk about things such as thier first
ever show right up untill their final tour and
much more.
and thank you for taking time out to do this interview
you give us a brief history of the band and the
basic understanding of how you became a metal
tribute to the Bee Gees.
R: Well Mo’Royce and I were working in
the coal mines in Western Pennsylvania in the
1970’s and everybody was infatuated with
Hard Rock at that time, but him and I, we got
trapped under a rock for about 31 days, grew
to love each other, as boys and then as men,
and then, obviously that kick started the love
for disco.
you remember your first ever live show and how
you went down with the audience?
M: We played our first show ever with BB King
in New York, and we opened for The Aquabats,
a superhero ska band and they battle evil-doers
in the middle of their show. It was great, it
was really funny, there was probably about a
thousand people there and their audience took
to us even as we were rocking out, ‘cos
y’know, we do like to dress nicely, they
were right there with us. Some audiences like
when we opened for Murphy’s Law. A lot
of their audiences liked us, but a lot of their
audiences very vocally......not.
R: When you’re really pretty grown men
in Spandex, we know people are either gonna
love you or hate you. Every now and then they
hate us, but even then every now and then when
they hate us, all of those times, except once,
we’ve managed to make them love us.
have toured the UK over many times now and supported
some great bands such as Electric Six, The Wildhearts
and not to forget opening up for Motorhead at
Guilfest but what has been your biggest UK tour
highlight so far?
R: Playing Guilfest right before Motorhead,
and having Lemmy tell the crowd that it was
an hour to share the stage with Tragedy.
R: Do most of the people that read your website
live in Bristol? (AV: No, we cover almost all
of the UK) R: Oh, I was gonna kiss up to the
people that live in Bristol but I don’t
wanna make the other people angry.
R: Actually, one of the highlights of a tour
every time we come over here is proving everybody
wrong in every town, ‘cos everywhere we
go everybody tells us that every other town
is going to be shit. It’s always ‘’Where
are you going tomorrow?’’ ‘’Swansea’’
‘’OH lock your doors!! Don’t
let anyone in your hotel room with you!’’
‘’Where were you last night?’’
‘’ London’’ ‘’Oh
that is the worst!!’’ We’re
yet to find a shitty city. (pauses) Telford
wasn’t so nice. A lot of people in Telford
don’t have the internet so we’re
in a touring tribute band must of seen you share
the stage with various other tribute bands, have
you played alongside any that you would recommend
or class as good as yourselves?
M: Definitely not as good as us. (thinks) No,
no one is as good as us. But there are some
pretty good bands out there.
R: Misstallica are good, the all girl Metallica
tribute band. Are Steel Panther a tribute band?
(AV: No) They’re a tribute to herpes.
And yeah, Electric Six and The Wildhearts are
both great bands. Sadly, neither of which are
as good as us. They can rock, but we look better
on stage.
M: An amazing one is Dangerous – the metal
tribute to Micheal Jackson.
you have any special rituals before taking to
the stage for a show?
M: A special ritual that we can let you in on....
i mean, we have secrets, but we’re not
telling you.
R: Right before we take to the stage every night
we all put our fists in the air and scream ‘’Let’s
make Tragedy..’’ M: SHHHHHH!!
R: I like to do squats and push ups, the bass
player does pull ups, Peter does curls, Rob
the drummer does press ups until he falls asleep.
you met someone in the street who had never heard
of Tragedy what would you tell them to get them
to come to one of your live shows?
M: Well, first I’d tell them they’re
an idiot for not knowing who Tragedy are, and
then secondly, then, I’d apologise. Really,
just that, we’re a heavy metal tribute
to the Bee gees, we’re heavy metal versus
the Bee Gees. That’s enough to get them
interested, If they ask, it’s always the
first of many questions they’ll have.
R: Someone once said ‘’Oh, you’re
in a band, i can tell by your hair you’re
in a band’’. So I explain, yeah,
we’re called Tragedy, a metal tribute
to the Bee Gees, it’s always ‘’Really,
how does that work?’’ So I’m
just like, (shouts) ‘’ Yo! Who wants
to tell this guy about Tragedy? Then we go from
understand that
you played your last ever gig back in March in
America, was that a special show for you and did
you know at the time that Tragedy wasn’t
fully over?
M: We really thought that was it.
R: We felt we had done everything we needed
to do, we started this band as a joke, well,
not necessarily as a joke, but we started it
one night in New York City. We thought we would
do a couple of opening shows for a friend of
ours, we didn’t know what kind of magic
we would create. We played over 150 shows in
2 years, came over to the UK four times, it
took way much more time than we ever planned
on commiting to this project, we all have other
things we were doing with our lives. Some had
kids, you know real lives outside of this, After
a while we were like, you know what? We’ve
done with this, let’s just go out on a
high note, and we did, and 6 months later the
emails and letters just didn’t stop, people
asking us to come back, we said we’d come
back but only do specials circumstances and
special shows. We’re not gonna be playing
nearly as many shows as we did in the states,
there was a lot of demand for us to come back
here, so we were like, you know what? Fuck it.
Just don’t get used to it. If we’re
going to wrap ourselves up and do this we’re
gonna do it really well and have a great time
doing it.
is the first show of your farewell reunion UK
tour, are you glad to be back in the UK and what
can your fans expect from the tour?
R: Well expect it to be raining kisses from
M: We love playing the UK. In the states we’ve
got a lot of rock and roll but here, it’s
just like it’s really a part of the culture
and from little kids to older people, they all
come out to our shows here. It’s just
not like that in the states. There’s so
many cities, not so much New York, but so many
places in the states if you’re over 25
to 30, then you don’t go to concerts anymore.
R: Maybe they’ll go see Elton John, maybe
one show a year.
your UK tour is over you are playing a few one
off shows in America, after that is it Farewell
for Tragedy or do you see yourself touring more
in the future?
R: Never say never.
understand that
Steven Spielberg is working on a Bee Gee’s
film, surely that is going to give you a good
excuse to tour again to coincide with the release?
M: We’re not allowed to talk about that.
that the Bee Gees have created hundreds of songs
during their lengthy career, how you go about
creating your set lists and are there any Bee
Gees songs that you love but have still not managed
to play live?
M: Oh, plenty.
R: We tend to create our set lists with what
the most popular songs are, and the ones that
we can play, that we can give a really good
treatment to. There are scores more Bee Gees
songs that deserve the treatment but the question
is, are people going to get it.
M: We’re doing a twist on something that
you know, so if you don’t know it then
you’re not going to get it. There is one
song that we do, that most peple don’t
know, and we came up wit the version of it and
we just love it so much.
R: That’s one that even if you knew the
original, you wouldn’t necessarily guess
that’s what we were doing, Because not
a lot of people knew the original we felt we
didn’t have to stay to true to it.
you had to choose a favourite Bee Gees song what
would it be and why?
M: That’s kind of impossible, I could
tell you some that I love. All these songs we
do are amazing.
R: Massachusetts is probably my first favourite,
then 2nd place would be a tie between all the
rest of them.
M: I think their stuff from the 70’s is
so prolific in writing for themselves, writing
for so many artists, everything is so brilliant,
Musically, their lyrics are so good. It’s
just amazing, one song after another
website states that you have a live album from
the Bowery Ballroom in New York coming out soon,
can you give us details of when it is due for
release and what is to be included on it?
R: We actually scrapped that, and we came up
with a live dvd from the Bowery ballroom that’s
being released tonight (12/01/10)
what can we expect from that?
R: Your eyes to be fucked silly.
last random questions that we ask everyone, if
you could be an animal out of a Zebra and Giraffe
which one would you be and why?
R: I would be a ziraffe. With my long neck I
could bend down and make love to my black and
white self.
M: I’d be a zebra ‘cos I like the
stripes and they’re kind of like a horse.
for your time guys, we’re looking forward
to your show!
Interview by Karlie M