caught up with Jonny Craig from Emarosa for a
chat Emarosa and his other band Dance gavin Dance,
aswell as a chat about christmas, parties and
much more.
do you think tonight’s show went? Jonny: It went pretty good man, it was a really
good crowd, really good fun. I was actually
really, really stoked to play tonight.
do you find playing in the UK? Is it somewhere
that you like to play?
Jonny: I love it; it’s probably one of
the best places that we come. The kids are just
way more appreciative of the music. It’s
a lot more fun.
you’ve released an album with Emarosa this
year, but you have to divide your time between
other bands too, how on earth do you manage it?
It’s just all mapped out months beforehand,
one month I’ll be doing Dance Gavin Dance,
the other I’ll be doing Emarosa and then
the next I’ll be doing solo, everything
is pre-planned. I don’t like to be at
home, I love to be fucked up, I love to be moving
and I love to have a good time.
have an amazingly versatile voice, it’s
incredible both live and on record, but is there
one particular genre that you prefer?
Thank you man, that means so much. I really
strive to prove that I can do more than just
record a CD, I just really want to be able to
prove that I’ve got the balls and the
guts to just go out there and fucking kill it
every night.
wanted to ask
you about Dance Gavin Dance, you left a while
back, but now you are back with them and releasing
a new record. What happened?
Yeah, we had a little bit of a falling out.
I was doing a lot of drugs back then when I
was maybe eighteen or nineteen. Not that I don’t
do drugs now, I’m not going to hide, but
I was really, really fucked up when I was younger
and they were just over it, they were over the
arrogance and a lot of stuff. We were actually
on a tour with Emarosa called Squash The Beef
and we just became friends again, and they asked
me if I wanted to do Downtown Battle Mountain
Part 2 and I said that I’d love to. Then
they got rid of Kurt (Travis) and asked me if
I’d like to go back to the band full time
and do both Emarosa and Dance Gavin Dance, so
I said that I’d do it.
did you think of Dance Gavin Dance when you weren’t
fronting them?
To be honest, I loved all of those songs but
I was listening to them thinking, ‘I could
kill every one of these songs, really turn them
around.’ Not that Kurt didn’t do
a great job, he’s an amazing singer, but
every time I listened to them I just knew, y’know?
it good to be back with the band?
It is, as soon as I leave here I fly home,
but the next day I fly out to Portland to record
Downtown Battle Mountain Part 2.
also got the two special Dance Gavin Dance shows
in London next year, are you looking forward to
Yeah, I think they’re in May and I can’t
you have any plans for the Christmas period?
Not really, I’m just going to spend time
with my fiancée and just kick it, do
some drugs, hang out, get drunk and have a good
time! Christmas is always a good time to get
fucked up and enjoy yourself, so that’s
what I’m going to do!
New Years Resolutions?
Erm, I’m kind of trying to cut back on
the drugs…(laughs) I’m just messin’,
I think my New Years Resolution is to really
try to focus more and really, really put everything
I have into it instead of thinking that I should
do something.
you think that the partying and touring comes
hand in hand?
I think so, it’s not that I couldn’t
tour without partying, but it makes everything
so much better. You go on tour, have a bunch
of drinks, just have a good time, it is what
it is.
Interview By Ben Connell