Daly caught up with Chap Stique from Family Force
Five before their headline show in Wolverhampton
to talk about them opening up at Sonisphere festival,
their constant touring and much more.
get straight into it, you opened the main stage
of Sonisphere this weekend, how was that for you?
It was incredible, a dream come true for me,
I’m a big metal head so I got to see Iron
Maiden, Rammstein and we got to play in front
of some legends I grew up listening to, which
was awesome. We also had some amazing outfits
which this guy made for us, he makes them for
people like Muse, Judas Priest and Cher so we
busted them out for the first time their as
they’re kinda metal looking, which was
pretty fun. It was a totally unique experience
for us as a lot of the time we play dances places,
or with scene bands or hardcore bands or pop
bands and we had never done metal before, it
was an honour.
you go down well?
I think so, at first the crowd of mainly 45
year old dudes in black t-shirts don’t
necessarily mosh and dance like 13 year old
girls do, so at first we where like “Do
people like us at all?” but after we got
done with the show we where walking around and
all these people with the thickest accents ever
where like “we love country gentlemen”
so they really loved it, which was cool as we
where really nervous at first.
I was going to ask if you checked out any bands
at the festival but you already answered that.
Well yeah, I’m a die hard Maiden fan,
they where one of my favourite bands as a kid.
But we had a show the next day, when Maiden
where actually playing, so we had a show at
the Underage Festival and I was ringing round
all the people I new in England trying to see
if anyone would take me over to Sonisphere but
I finally found some random dudes that I road
in their van with them and we watched Iron Maiden
and camped out and slept on the ground, which
was fun and really amazing.
is your first headline tour here in the UK, how
are you finding it?
Its been great, kids have been going nuts,
and we love the bands that’s been touring
with us. I was actually checking out some Lost
Prophets stuff as I didn’t really know
much but Ian is amazing, and Tek One have been
truly amazing to watch, I love those guys. What
a great first tour for us, we came over with
Cobra Starship early this year and that was
awesome but to have your first headline run
be this exciting has been amazing.
of touring you’ve been on tour for ages
and have another tour planned in the U.S. in December,
is it hard being away from home for a long time?
Yeah, it is, its probably the hardest part
of our job is balancing family. I have a wife
and some of the guys have kids and you just
want to see them as much as you can, but we
are very blessed to have the best job you could
ever ask for and we’d be very silly to
complain about it. So you do what you gotta
do to make it work so where big fans of Skype
and 1800 flowers and we do a lot of video chats
and you just gotta make sure you make an effort
to see each other and show the other person
you love them but yeah its tough.
as you spend a lot of time on the road, have you
got any road stories?
All kinds of them, one of the craziest ones
which I wish was more fun and funny but we had
an accident recently, our bus driver had a seizure
whilst he was driving. We where on top of this
mountain going down a hill and all off a sudden
the bus just crashed on the side and we were
all freaking out, it was on this weird angle
where you couldn’t even walk so we were
crawling around and falling all over each other,
and we had gone just another couple hundred
feet we would have died, there was this giant
drop that our bus would have tumbled over and
flipped. Luckily everyone was ok and that was
one of the most scariest days of my life, we
all looked at each other and where like crying
and going “I love you man if we had died
you could have had my Van Halen collection”.
We’ve had a lot of crazy moments on tour
but that one stands out.
all this touring do you have time to write new
Yes, but you have to make that time happen,
we set aside 2 hours a day minimum that we get
together and show each other some ideas that
we have. Sometimes we get time after sound check
to Jam, today we did, it was really fun, we’ve
got this really cool song with Smashing Pumpkins
kinda influence that sounds pretty neat, but
we’ll see what happens as we’ve
written about 35 songs for the next album so
we’ll have to narrow them down and decide
what goes on their. So it could end up being
a huge rock record, or pop music or dance music
its just depends on what’s chosen to go
on there but we’re very excited about
Space seems to be a big tool in the music industry
these days, with artists communicating with their
fans over it and some even ditching their own
website and having just a My Space site, what
are your opinions on My Space as a tool in the
music industry?
Well, I know you can’t see this but I’ve
got My Space open write now on the Family Force
Five page and I’m writing some kids some
messages, so yeah its been the bread and butter
of Family Force Five, its been the only way
we’ve survived by communicating with our
fans. In the states, My Space is fading out
and its now more Facebook and Twitter but for
years we’d wake up and immediately and
go on My Space and we’d be required to
add a certain amount of friends, or to write
back to kids or delete spam and whatever it
was you just got to make sure you keep in touch
and show that you appreciate them. So to this
day we try really hard to keep in touch and
I try to write to every kid that writes to the
band on My Space. We also have this phone number
that kids can call in and tell us all kinds
of stories about what their doing at home and
we’ll play games and its pretty fun man
,we are really thankful that they like our music
and so we like to show them that we like them
music is very unique and sets you apart from the
rest so in guessing you had a lot of musical influences,
who would you say are your main ones?
It changes a lot and the cool thing about our
band is that we all write, I mean I grew up
a metal head but I don’t know if that’s
a huge influence to Family Force Five but we
all bring something collectively different to
the table. I mean where all into dance music
like Daft Punk and Justice. Where all huge Rage
Against The Machine and Beastie Boys fans as
theirs a big hip hop element to our music which
most of the brothers are really into. We all
like pop music too, we grew up on 80’s
new wave stuff like Talking Heads, Depeche Mode
and Tears For Fears so there’s a lot of
stuff but every now and again we’ll come
up with something that we don’t know where
it came from and it don’t sound like anything
it just sounds like Family Force Five, so big
beats and catchy melodies is what we relay on.
only have the ‘Dance Or Die’ album
released over here, but you have another two in
the states, is their any plans on releasing your
first album ‘Business Up Front/ Party In
The Back’ or my personal fave ‘Family
Force Five - Christmas Pageant’?
Thank you for liking it, we had a lot of fun
on both those projects and I don’t know
what the future holds in store for them as a
lot of the time there is legal things that we
don’t have control over, but I know for
a fact that yesterday we had a meeting about
getting the Christmas album coming out over
here and hopefully that will be happening and
I’m pretty confident it will so keep an
eye out for it, this year maybe.
Addict was released on Rock Band the other day,
what do you think to the guitar based computer
I think they’re really hard, I’m
not very good at them. I haven’t played
love addict yet, so I hope I can do that one
since I’ve played it once or twice live
on real guitar. We had a competition with some
fans the other day with our song radiator which
is also on their, and these kids smoked us man!
We play this song every night, every night!
We wrote this song and we still can’t
get the perfect score like these kids get on
advance level, its kinda weird as they put the
rhythms in a spot which is different than what
your actually playing. But its neat though,
its brought rock and roll out of the gutter
a little bit to make kids excited about playing
guitar, when I grew up everyone wanted to play
guitar and there was a little period where people
where not so excited about it so hopefully it
will get people excited again.
would you like to see yourself this time next
I’d like to see myself warmer, its freezing
here man its August 5th and by the way its my
birthday tomorrow so next year I’m going
to be old, old as sin! But no, I’d love
to go to Japan we’ve been talking about
how that’s the next frontier, that we’ve
never entered that we’d like to go to
, but any part of Asia would be amazing to start
playing their. I hope that the new album is
something that’s striking a chord with
people and speaking to them and hopefully we’ll
be continuing to write more music.
last question that we ask every band, if you could
be an animal out of a zebra and a giraffe which
would you be and why?
Probably a giraffe, because if you had a long
neck like that and you head banged it would
be amazing you know, it’d be like slow
motion and you’d be knocking down trees
and eating leaves. Plus there would be all that
controversy of the Lamarckian theory’s
of evolution and stuff and you’d be like
“let me tell you all about it, I’m
a giraffe dude!” that would be way cooler
than being a zebra. Cos people would be like,
you might be a zedonk, you know a zebra that’s
mated with a donkey and that’s the last
thing I’d want to be, a zedonk, I’d
rather be a giraffe.
for your time, do you have a message for your
fans reading this?
Thank you very much we love all you guys as
fans and hit us up on My Space or Facebook or
Twitter and we’ll try and write you back.
Interview By James Daly