caught up with Slaves To gravity back stage in
Cardiff before their slot supporting The Black
Spiders to talk about the band's recent line up
changes, progress of the new album and much more.
Tommy! How are you? How is the tour going so far?
It’s going pretty good, yeah, I think this
is the 8th show tonight and it’s been great.
It was a little bit quiet last night but all the
other shows have been pretty well attended. The
new stuff has been going down really well, getting
a good response; the Black Spiders’ guys
are really cool, you know, it’s cool to
listen to a decent band every night. Lots of tours,
some tours with bands where you hear when they
start up every night your like ‘Oh God make
it stop’ but they (Black Spiders) are really
cool so it’s been a blast so far
can’t be fun when you hear someone average
kick in every night and you start thinking ‘oh,
how long’s their set?’
Yeah it really wears on you after a couple of
weeks on the road and you’re hearing that
every night but these guys (Black Spiders) are
really good.
the past few years Slaves To Gravity have undergone
some line up changes. What caused these changes
and how have they affected the band?
It’s kind of been in the last 7 or 8 months
really, it’s been really weird. I mean
our original drummer, Jason, left well he kinda
told us he was leaving the band just before
we went in to record our new album because his
Dad had had a stroke and you know he’s
got a very close Greek family so he left to
really spend more time with his Dad and do that
whole thing which you can’t do anything
but support that decision. I’ve known
Jay for years and years and years so we kind
of reluctantly accepted his resignation and
we auditioned like 30 drummers and both Jase,
who currently plays drums, and Gemma who was
in the band for five minutes auditioned and
we opted to give Gem the job against our better
judgement probably and she just didn’t
really work out. She had a really good audition
but putting all that kind of stuff into playing
in terms of getting out on the road and stuff
she just didn’t really have the attitude
or the stamina or any of the other things, the
backbone I suppose, that you need to make something
like this work. We put 7, 8 years of our lives
into the band and it’s kind of the centre
of our world and she treated it like it was
a bit of a vacation. We tried to talk to her
about it and she quit so we were like ‘OK’
so we called Jase back up, went crawling back
and were like ‘We’re really sorry
will you please reconsider’ and thankfully
he did and we’re all the better for it
you say you guys have always been a very close
knit group?
Yeah, in the past to the point where we were
insular in a negative way, I think we had our
heads up our asses for a little while. I think
as a reaction really to having to let people
into the inner circle or whatever we would turn
out the arse holes who try and fuck us around
and whatever so we just became really close
in that sense. You’ve got to open up eventually
otherwise, you know, it’s hard to make
alone. You and you’re clique.
Exactly and that’s really where we ended
up. Now we’re in a place where we’ve
got our wits about us, we’re kind of aware
of who’s around us and actually we’re
not so stand offish anymore.
think that’s
true of a lot of circles though. In anything you
do you have to learn your own ground. Everyone
gets above their stations now and then.
Yeah I think you’re right, definitely,
but I’m glad we were able to do that.
It took for a couple of people to say to us
when Jay had left maybe that we should use this
as an opportunity to reassess the way we think
and operate a little bit. It was good advice.
been on the road in the UK for about a week now.
What do you look forward to the most about touring
and how do you prepare for your shows?
Normally we would rehearse for like a week solid
before we get out on the road and get the set
list all ironed out blah blah blah so we kind
of show up good to go but Jase has got a busy
teaching schedule, he teaches drums as well
and he doesn’t live in London with the
rest of us, so we just didn’t get the
opportunity to rehearse. The first gig was our
first rehearsal, we got chucked in at the deep
end really and we very quickly figured out what
was working and what wasn’t working in
the set, like took a couple of songs out cos
we’re only playing for half an hour so
we have to pack a lot, as much as we can, into
that and we were trying to do all kinds of dynamic
changes and fit all these different sides of
the band into a half hour set so we just gave
up and said we’re just gonna do a half
hour of in your face, get out kinda vibe. So
that’s what we ended up doing for all
these shows, I think we’ve finally got
the set to the point, we’ve changed it
AGAIN slightly for tonight but it’s pretty
much there now in terms of holding people’
attention and being cool. In terms of preparing
for the shows it’s just trying not to
get drunk every night and trying to get rest,
trying to drink plenty of water, trying to do
vocal warm ups and stuff like that, balancing
it all out. We’ve got this endorsement
with Jagermeister as well which is proving to
be a bit of a sabotage because it is there constantly
and just have to drink it. It’s a bit
a pretty good topic as you’ve been teamed
up with Jagermeister for some time now. How would
you say they help you and other bands within the
music industry?
They’ve been amazing actually. I mean
if you sort of allow them to put their logo
or their name on stuff they pretty much paid
for it. We designed some new t shirts and we
put like a tiny little Jagermeister logo on
the back of the neck and they said ‘Well
we’ll pay for it’ so anything we
sell is 100% profit. They pay for all the tour
adverts, like in press and stuff like for instance
if their name is on it they’ll pay for
it. Which is just amazing cos that is expensive
to produce good merch and get tour adverts,
they even paid for some of our backline that
we’re using on the condition it has their
name on it. Initially you kind of think ‘Wow,
we’re really whoring ourselves out to
Jagermeister’ but at the same time it’s
like when you’re in a position where you
haven’t got tons of money and you wanna
do as much as you can and get your name out
to as many people as you can then it’s
a brilliant thing and they’ve really supported
us, they’re great people to work with.
And they give you free Jagermeister as well.
just need to team up with Red Bull now then you’d
be sorted.
Oh my god! That’s it. We’d never
do you find yourselves having a lot of Jager parties
while on tour?
We end up doing it at the merch desk but we
have to do it under the radar cos a lot of these
gigs are like 14+ so you know we’re not
really in a position for IDing people but it’s
kind of subtly doing it under the table so to
bands appearing on the scene all the time, and
lots of bands from the 80’s doing revivals,
what makes Slaves To Gravity different and what
sets you apart from the rest?
I think we’ve probably established our
own sound a lot more with the newer stuff we’ve
written for the new album, it’s much more
erm you alright dude (to band mate Toshi) it
took us a while to figure it out I mean I think
the first album we probably leaned on our influences
a little bit too heavily and we’re ay
a point now where we’ve become more like
we sound like the gap in our record collection
as opposed to the sum total of them. Quite how
that works is, I find it hard to describe it
but we’ve still got the influences that
we’ve always had, we listened to predominantly
90’s American grunge alternative rock
music that’s just the bedrock of our influences
but I think the new stuff, working with a producer
who really encouraged us to push the limits
of our creativity and not settle on something
because it was comfortable. There’s always
that thing where if it sounds great, it’s
really hard to describe.
ok, no rush.
I’m just trying to think of a slightly
more convenient way to describe it. I dunno.
I mean….who knows. I’m too tired
guess if something
feels super comfortable straight away then maybe
you should take more risks because great things
can happen from that.
Yeah absolutely. I mean he just pushed us way
further than we would’ve got on our own
and he was able to act as an audience member
as well which the first album we produced it
all ourselves we didn’t have that, and
it literally took us 3 times longer to make
that 1st album with Bob Marlett who produced
this he didn’t get too involved in writing
the songs, the songs we created ourselves, he
was just really good at being able to go ‘don’t
over think that…that’s great or
what about this?’ Just very subtly kind
of orchestrating things which I think has helped
us establish a sound which is more our own.
year you released an EP, ‘Doll Size’.
With the impending release of your forthcoming
album, what can your fans and newcomers to STG
It’s a really dynamic record. I mean we
just sat around trying to pick the first single
from that which is going to be coming out in
June and it was really hard because we wanted
something which, we were originally looking
for something that was going to sum up the album
as a whole in one song and it was really impossible
to find it cos from one song to the next it’s
a really varied mix, it kind of takes you on
a bit of a journey, which a lot of albums from
bands we really like don’t seem to do
that anymore it’s kind of like they’ve
got that sound and that’s it for 12 songs,
so we’ve tried to make something that
has lots of dynamics and lots of different colours
and textures and we tried to write the best
songs we could and really pushed ourselves not
to settle for anything that seemed generic or
too easy you know umm but I suppose it’s
just a better record from a better band than
where we were 2 years ago and for now it’s
a dynamic, exciting modern rock album.
What makes you Slaves To Gravity? Are you all
opposed to the laws of physics?
(Laughs) Well when the band formed we formed
from the ashes of a couple of different bands
in London that had split up for various reasons
but I think when we got together we all felt
pretty kind of downtrodden, beat up and fucked
off with things and very much at the mercy of
the forces around us so to speak. And that’s
pretty much where the name came from. I was
in Amsterdam when I came up with it maybe the
reason behind it.
yeah. Maybe it could. So now for a random question
that we ask every band, if you were an animal
would you be a zebra or a giraffe? And why?
I’d probably have to go for giraffe cos
I always get told I look like one. I have a
very long neck so yeah, I would probably feel
most comfortable in a giraffe’s skin.
you already have the long neck for it.
That’s the one.
you very much for sitting down with me this evening.
Do you have any messages for your fans who will
be reading this?
Just to say the new singles out June 21st, it’s
called Good Advice it’s going to be a
download only single so you’ll be able
to get it from iTunes or whatever your download
server thing of choice. And we’re gonna
be putting loads of snippets of the new album
up on Myspace and Facebook so just keep in touch.
Interview By Jessica Acreman