caught up with Amon Amarth to talk about their
Viking obsession, their latest album, their current
European tour and much more.
and thank you for taking time out to do this interview
you give us a brief history of your time in the
music industry so far such as how you came together
as a band and came up with the name Amon Amarth?
We have been playing for 17 years, we started
playing in the local youth club where we grew
up, its been a long road to get to where we
are now, it's been fun and interesting we have
learned a lot, caulder came up from another
band called scum which was olviers first band
and they split up and then the rest of us joined
and we created Amon Amarth it was not our first
choice for a name as someone else had occupied
our first choice but it was me who came up with
the name and logo.
have been signed to Metal Blade Records for over
ten years now, you must enjoy working with each
other to have kept such a long relationship with
the label?
Yeah it's a matter of trust in the beginning
you are happy to get any contract at all, and
we got the opportunity to sign for them at the
time it was the best label we could get, it's
not the biggest but they've been around for
a long time and then once you started working
with people you realise whether it's a label
you can trust or not, we always felt good, that
they supported us and we supported them, we
stayed with them over the years and there is
no point in fixing something if it isn't broken.
majority of your songs are themed on Vikings,
where did your obsession from Vikings come about
and is it hard to still think of new ways to write
songs about Vikings after you have released so
many albums?
In the beginning when we started the band, the
normal death metal Gore and bloody lyrics and
also black metal was coming through strong,
those were the big subjects that all the bands
were writing about, first of all we thought
it was not really our style, we wanted to try
something different and johan writes all the
lyrics, and we are all big fans of northern
mythology, so we thought lets go this direction
but once you do something you can't change direction
because the fans expect you to do the next album
the same. With the mythology there is not so
much to write about, it's difficult to come
up with new ideas that still deals with the
Viking theme, Johan does a good job with taking
their everyday issues and put them in a Viking
last album ‘Twilight Of The Thunder God’
was released back in September 2008, has the album
done as well as you expected and what reactions
have you had from both your fans and the press?
The album did as good as we expected, in certain
places it did better than expected, we had high
expectations for this album, because the last
album did really good, we were really happy
with the album when we recorded it, response
from the fans and media was really really awesome,
we didn't really have a bad review at all, that
was a good thing, we appreciate that when you
work hard and get your album out, then people
slate it, then you feel really really bad. It's
been amazing so it's going to be tough for us
to top this album.
are currently just over half way through your
headline tour of the UK, how has the tour been
so far?
The tour has been going very good, this tour
is divided into three parts, the Scandinavian
part then the current part which is in the UK,
so far all the shows had been amazing and Entombed
is a great band to have on tour with us, the
places seem packed every night, so far it's
been very good, except for the tragic death
of the Evile bass player, the we didn't even
get to know the guys from Evile, it takes a
few shows to get to know the guys then the guy
passes away, it was quite a shock.
are playing Manchester Academy on Halloween, do
you have any plans to dress up or play a spooky
themed show that night?
Actually I didn't know it was Halloween, I'm
not really into the Halloween thing, but maybe
we should think about that at least.
understand Perttu Kivilaakso from Apocalyptica
will be joining you on stage for a few songs at
your show at the Koko in London, this is going
to be one special Amon Amarth experience, how
did the idea come about?
Since the apocalyptica played on one song on
the album for us, then we became friends, we
wanted him to play when we were in Finland in
his home town, because it would be easy for
him to play there, we played a few shows there
and we liked it a lot, and we were looking for
a place where we could do it again since he
was travelling anyway it wouldn't be a long
detour to him to take to go by London, So we
decided to do a couple of more songs, in feel
and I think we only did two songs so now were
going to do about five songs, it's going to
be cool and give the songs more atmosphere,br>
do you guys have planned once your UK tour is
We have a short break and go back to Sweden,
and have a break for about a week, then we head
off to south Europe part of the tour then we
go to Australia then Asia.
have built up a steady fan base pretty much all
across the world now, where would you say you
like to play the most and how do the fans compare
from country to country?
Its difficult to say really, all parts of the
world have different kinds of fans that like
you in different ways, fans in the south of
Italy and Spain they like to sing along, in
South America it's like a football crowd and
they sing inbetween in the songs, but then you
have the crazy crowd at that likes to mosh,
but that's also call to see as well, but sometimes
it are places that don't get many metal shows,
the fans in these places are firstly in the
like to go berserk, like one of the shows we
played in Israel, the club was crazy and packed
full of people, we have to stop the show three
or four times because the owner wanted the crowd
to calm down because they are tearing down his
club so those kind shows are probably the best
are from Stockholm in Sweden, how is the music
scene out there these days and are there any bands
that you would recommend us to listen to?
Well the scene at the moment is pretty good
we get to play many shows but the problem is
were mostly up north, but the tours cost too
much to get up there, so we don't get up there
much. The local bands are full of talented guys,
I'm not sure if I have any new bands to recommend
do you think about the current state of the music
Downloading music, no one knows at the moment
where it's going to end up, at the moment we
seem to be in between going from CDs to more
or less downloading, at the moment it seems
to be going more and more into downloading stuff,
it's up to the bands at the moment is to make
sure that when they're writing a record contract
to make sure that they have those electronic
downloads and to make sure that they get their
fair share of the royalties from it. Downloads
used to be a small part of it but now it's getting
random question that we ask every band, if you
could be an animal out of a Zebra and Giraffe
which one would you be and why?
I think I would be a giraffe, it's a very nice
to be tall when you go to a show, so you get
a good view of the bands
there any message you would like to leave to your
fans reading this?
Continue to support the metal scene as you always
have and to make sure that you carry on doing
that. See you on the Road
Interview by Robert Lawrence