Back in January 2015 Danny Worsnop announced his departure from Asking Alexandria and a couple of months later he went and released the debut album with his other band We Are Harlot and since then he has enjoyed major success with We Are Harlot and has completed work for the bands second studio album which is due for release later in the year but has been delayed due to re-joining Asking Alexandria back in October 2016 and currently being out on the road with them and also working on new material with them.
Despite Danny Worsnop being busy juggling commitments with Asking Alexandria and We Are Harlot he is due to release his debut solo album ‘The Long Road Home’ on the 17th February and it features Danny Worsnop in way never captured before as he goes down a southern/country/bluesy route whislt pouring his heart out signing about addiction, drink, drugs, heartache and various other dark demons.
‘The Long Road Home’ was written and recorded live in producer Jim Kaufman’s living room in the space of a week and it is a massive departure from anything Worsnop has written and recorded musically before and it is such a solid listen where the creativity of Worsnop oozes through in ways you never thought were possible and the more you listen to the album the more songs to stand out and no two songs are the same.
The album kicks off with ‘Prozac’ a song which really see’s Worsnop pouring his heart out, the lyrics are well written and the song has an overall emotional feeling yet is also quite beautiful sounding as Worsnop performs in such an heart wrenching unplugged way.
The lead single building up to the album’s release was ‘Mexico’ and the song is a nice feel good song about having some drinks, going skinny dipping and relaxing in paradise. ‘I Feel Like Shit’ is one of the most upbeat songs on the album and is a pure bluesy rock n roll number about going out drinking and waking up in the morning feeling battered and promising yourself that you will never drink again, let’s face it we have all been there.
‘Anyone But Me’ is a straight up honest song about letting a loved one go not because you want to but because you have to otherwise you will continue to hurt that person and it features Worsnop singing his heart out with lyrics of “I love you too much to let you love me, and I know myself too well to lead you on, so go love anyone, please love anyone but me”.
‘High’ is vocally one of the strongest tracks on the album as Worsnop gets to show what a wide vocal range he has especially during the chorus. ‘I Got Bones’ is an extremely catchy number and one that will be stuck In your head for days after a quick listen. ‘Don’t Over Drink It’ is a good ole drinking anthem, and album closer ‘The Man’ is very fast paced and a great finish to the album.
With ‘The Long Road Home’ it is best to put everything you’ve heard musically from Worsnop to the back of your mind and listen to the album with an open mind as like I mentioned above the album is a massive departure from his music with Asking Alexandria and We Are Harlot however it is a really solid sounding honest album that Worsnop wrote for himself and has invited us all along for the journey.
Review by Trigger