This is a weird one for me, the name has cropped up a lot over the years but I’ve never really looked into them until I was asked to cover a show. I got in there and was exposed to a whole night of gothic dance music which was so strange at first but grew on me rather fast. Hard to imagine that his has been going for around 13 years so far, the product of a Norwegian man with a vision, electro-industrial mayhem. I don’t want to get into too much back history because that’s what we have Wikipedia for. Let’s crack on.
Love it. There are some tracks that I can’t really get into such as both parts of “Black Tar Dove” as they’re a bit slow on the uptake for me, having said that there are songs on the slower side that I find myself really enjoying such as “Blackened Heart” and “Tired of Hating You” there’s just something about the tone and sounds in certain songs that are so addictive. The best tracks in my opinion are “We Are The Plague” because of its heavy metal riffage, “Skullcrusher” down to its dirty bass and hard rock up tempo pace and “Glitchteeth” simply for the fact that it’s a down right dirty tune. There are others in there that impressed me but those are the ones that made the biggest impression on me.
To straight up metal fans this may not be the next obsession you’ve been looking for but for those who have quite a diverse tastes across music then I would highly recommend this record, hell even if you don’t consider yourself to have such a broad taste give it a go because I truly believe anybody could lose themselves within an album and trust me time seems to speed by so quick without notice that it’s quite dangerous.
Review by James Webb