Blood Red Shoes have finished 2012 in style supporting
The Gaslight Anthem on their tour across the UK
and it seems that they are ready to follow up
the greatness of 2012 right into 2013 with the
release of a brand new EP titled ‘The Water’
which is due for release on the 21st January.
‘The Water’ see’s the Brighton
duo go down an rocking experimental route for
3 tracks which run for a combined time of 9minutes,
the EP opens with ‘Red River’ which
opens straight up with some solid drum beats from
Steve Ansell whilst vocalist Laura-Mary Carter
comes in seconds later as she repeatedly shouts
out ‘Take me back home, take me back home’,
as the song progresses Steven and Laura rock out
with some outstanding instrumental work which
ticks every box.
‘Black Distractions’ once again see’s
the band go down the experimental route with some
great instrumental work especially the drum beats
which Steve manages to bash out in style, vocally
the song is extremely strong with Steve and Laura’s
dual vocals working well with great vocal harmonization
on show.
The final track of the EP ‘Idle Hands’
is the least rocky track out of the three but
it is just as enjoyable especially towards the
end where things get frantic for a good 20 seconds
from the 2minute 25seconds mark.
The release of ‘The Water’ EP will
provide the perfect start of 2013 for Blood Red
Shoes , they also have a couple of live shows
announced for Norwich and London to coincide with
the release of the EP and if this is anything
to go by then the future really is bright for
this talented duo.
Review By Trigger