This EP has turned out to be one of those CD’s
that I get really excited about when it pops through
my door, hell I was even impressed with the music
and ready to dish out a great review, till after
about 30 seconds in. This is the latest EP offering
from Yorkshire based metal band When Giants Collide,
the review for it I’m about to give I think
will be one of the shortest I’ve ever done.
To sum it all up, the first track is the prime
example, kicks off as a sort of Periphery styled
heavy twangy bass with lower tempo light riffs
over the top. Musically it’s beautiful and
I found myself excited for the vocals to kick
in, then I wished I’d rather had kicked
myself in the head. They honestly just sound like
every other death metal band vocals, there’s
no melody it’s just all 1 tone growling.
I’m not saying however they they’re
terrible quality, sometimes there are moments
especially in “Defcon” where they
fit perfectly but for the most part I feel they
aren’t ranged enough.
If they maybe included some clean vocals or improved
the quality of their growls they may stand a chance
but I can’t see this as it is being the
next big thing in the world of metal, it’s
a shame really but when bands such as Periphery
or TesseracT have – no offence – much
better musical work and then melodic vocal work
with it they are always going to reign supreme
Review by James Webb